Smith's Criminal Case Compendium

Smith's Criminal Case Compendium


This compendium includes significant criminal cases by the U.S. Supreme Court & N.C. appellate courts, Nov. 2008 – Present. Selected 4th Circuit cases also are included.

Jessica Smith prepared case summaries Nov. 2008-June 4, 2019; later summaries are prepared by other School staff.


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E.g., 03/14/2025
E.g., 03/14/2025

In this Wake County case, the defendant was charged with two counts each of attempted first-degree murder and several related assault and conspiracy charges stemming from an altercation between two groups of people. At trial, a man named Ronald Cameron, who had shared a cell block with the...

The trial court properly allowed the State’s witness to use a prior statement to refresh her recollection. The prior statement was made to an officer and recounted an interaction between her and the defendant. The witness had an independent recollection of her conversation with the defendant and...

The trial court did not abuse its discretion in admitting a witness’s refreshed recollection. The witness’s testimony was not merely a recitation of the refreshing memorandum. The witness testified to some of the relevant events before being shown a transcript of his police interview. After...

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