
North Carolina Pattern Jury Instructions

North Carolina Pattern Jury Instructions for Civil Cases

000.009 2024 Civil Table of Contents.pdf
000.010 Introduction, Preface, History, User's Guide, Conclusion.pdf

Part I. General

Chapter 1. Preliminary Instructions

100.10 Opening Statement. [12-2004].pdf
100.15 Cameras and Microphones in Courtroom. [5-2004].pdf
100.20 Recesses. [6-2010].pdf
100.21 Recesses. [6-2010].pdf
100.40 Deoposition Testimony. [5-2004].pdf
100.44 Interrogatories. [12-2004].pdf
100.70 Taking of Notes By Jurors. [5-2004].pdf
101.00 Admonition to the Trial Judge on Stating the Evidence and Relating the Law to the[10-1995].pdf
101.05 Function of the Jury. [3-1994].pdf
101.10 Burden of Proof and Greater Weight of the Evidence. [3-1994].pdf
101.11 Clear Strong and Convincing Evidence. [11-2004].pdf
101.14 Judicial Notice. [10-1983].pdf
101.15 Credibility of Witness. [3-1994].pdf
101.20 Weight of the Evidence. [3-1994].pdf
101.25 Testimony of Expert Witness. [2-1994].pdf
101.30 Testimony of Interested Witness. [3-1994].pdf
101.32 Evidence--Limitation as to Parties. [10-1983].pdf
101.33 Evidence--Limitation as to Purpose. [10-1983].pdf
101.35 Impeachment or Corroboration by Prior Statement. [5-1992].pdf
101.36 Impeachment of a Party or Witness by Proof of Crime. [4-1986].pdf
101.37 Evidence Relating to the Character Trait of a Witness (Including Party) for Truthfulness. [4-1986].pdf
101.38 Evidence—Invocation by Witness of Fifth Amendment Privilege against Self-Incrimination. [5-2009].pdf
101.39 Evidence--Spoilation by a party. [5-2001].pdf
101.40 Photograph, Videotape, Motion Pictures, X-Ray, Other Pictorial Representations; Map, Models, Charts—Illustrative and Substantive Evidence. [10-1985].pdf
101.41 Stipulations. [1-1988].pdf
101.42 Requests for Admission. [1-1988].pdf
101.43 Deposition Evidence. [4-1988].pdf
101.45 Circumstantial Evidence. [10-1985].pdf
101.46 Definition of [Intent] [Intentionally]. [5-2004].pdf
101.50 Duty to Recall the Evidence. [3-1994].pdf
101.60 Issues. [3-1994].pdf
101.62 Presumptions. [4-1984].pdf
101.65 Peremptory Instruction. [8-1982].pdf

Chapter 2. General Negligence Instructions

102.10 Negligence Issue—Burden of Proof. [5-1994].pdf
102.10A Negligence Issue—Stipuiation of Negligence. [5-2009].pdf
102.11 Negligence Issue--Definition of Common Law Negligence. [6-2018].pdf
102.12 Negligence Issue—Definition of Negligence in and of Itself (Negligence Per Se). [8-2015].pdf
102.13 Negligence of Minor Between Seven and Fourteen Years of Age. [6-2018].pdf
102.14 Negligence Issue—No Duty to Anticipate Negligence of Others. [5-1994].pdf
102.15 Negligence Issue--Doctrine of Sudden Emergency. [2-2022].pdf
102.16 Negligence Issue--Sudden Emergency Exception to Negligence Per Se.[2-2022].pdf
102.19 Proximate Cause—Definition; Multiple Causes. [5-2009].pdf
102.20 Proximate Cause--Peculiar Susceptibility. [4-1998].pdf
102.22 Proximate Cause--Activation Aggrivation [5-1994].pdf
102.26 Proximate Cause--Act of God. [5-1994].pdf
102.27 Proximate Cause--Concurring Acts of Negligence. [5-2005].pdf
102.28 Proximate Cause--Insulating Acts of Negligence. (Delete Sheet)[6-2010].pdf
102.30 Proximate Cause—Defense of Sudden Incapacitation. [2-2000].pdf
102.32 Negligence Issue—Breach of Parent’s Duty to Supervise Minor Children. [5-1992].pdf
102.35 (5-94) Contentions of Negligence. [3-1994].pdf
102.50 Final Mandate--Negligence Issue. [3-1994].pdf
102.60 Concurring Negligence. [5-2005].pdf
102.65 Insulating-Intervening Negligence. [6-2020].pdf
102.84 Negligence--Infliction of Severe Emotional Distress. [2-2020].pdf
102.85 Willful or Wanton Conduct Issue ('Gross Negligence'). [5-1997].pdf
102.86 Willful or Wanton Conduct Issue ('Gross Negligence')--Used to Defeat Contributory Negligence. [12-2003].pdf
102.87 Willful or Wanton Conduct Issue ('Gross Negligence')--Defense of Contributory Willful or Wanton Conduct by Plaintiff. [3-1994].pdf
102.90 Negligence Issue--Joint Conduct--Multiple Tortfeasors. [3-1994].pdf
102.95 Architect—Project Expediter—Negligence in Scheduling [5-2005].pdf

Chapter 3. General Agency Instructions

103.10 Agency Issue—Burden of Proof—When Principal Is Liable. [1-2019].pdf
103.15 Independent Contractor. [5-1992].pdf
103.30 Agency Issue—Civil Conspiracy (One Defendant). [4-2019].pdf
103.31 Agency Issue—Civil Conspiracy (Multiple Defendants). [4-2019].pdf
103.40 Ownership of Vehicle as Prima Facie Evidence of Agency. [10-1985].pdf
103.50 Agency--Departure from Employment. [10-1985].pdf
103.55 Agency--Willful and Intentional Injury Inflicted by an Agent. [10-1985].pdf

Chapter 3a. Contributory Negligence Instructions

104.10 Contributory Negligence Issue--Burden of Proof--Definition. [6-2018].pdf
104.35 Contentions of Contributory Negligence. [3-1994].pdf
104.50 Final Mandate--Contributory Negligence Issue. [3-1994].pdf

Chapter 4. Third Party Defendants

108.75 Negligence of Third Party Tort Feasor--Contribution. [1-1987].pdf

Chapter 5. Summary Instructions

150.10 Jury Should Consider All Contentions. [3-1994].pdf
150.12 Jury Should Render Verdict Based on Fact, Not Consequences. [3-1994].pdf
150.20 The Court Has No Opinion. [3-1994].pdf
150.30 Verdict Must Be Unanimous. [3-1994].pdf
150.40 Selection of Foreperson. [3-1994].pdf
150.45 Concluding Instructions--When to Begin Deliberations, Charge Conference. [3-1994].pdf
150.50 Failure of Jury to Reach a Verdict. [10-1980].pdf
150.60 Discharging the Jury. [5-1988].pdf

Part II. Contracts

Chapter 1. General Contract Instructions

501.00 Introduction to Contract Series. [5-2003].pdf

Chapter 2. Issue of Formation of Contract

501.01 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Common Law. [5-2022].pdf
501.01A Contracts—Issue of Formation—UCC. [6-2018].pdf
501.02 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Peremptory Instruction. [5-2003].pdf
501.03 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Parties Stipulate the Contract. [5-2003].pdf
501.05 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Lack of Mental Capacity. [6-2018].pdf
501.10 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Lack of Mental Capacity—Rebuttal by Proof of Fair Dealing and Lack of Notice. [5-2003].pdf
501.15 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Lack of Mental Capacity—Rebuttal by Proof of Necessities. [5-2003].pdf
501.20 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Lack of Mental Capacity—Rebuttal by Proof of Ratification (Incompetent Regains Mental Capacity). [5-2003].pdf
501.25 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Lack of Mental Capacity—Rebuttal by Proof of Ratification (by Agent, Personal Representative or Successor). [5-2003].pdf
501.30 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Mutual Mistake of Fact. [6-2013].pdf
501.35 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Undue Influence. [5-2003].pdf
501.40 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Duress. [5-2003].pdf
501.45 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Fraud. [5-2004].pdf
501.50 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Grossly Inadequate Consideration (“Intrinsic Fraud”). [5-2003].pdf
501.52 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Fraud in the Factum. [5-2003].pdf
501.55 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Constructive Fraud. [6-2018].pdf
501.60 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Constructive Fraud—Rebuttal by Proof of Openness, Fairness, and Honesty. [5-2003].pdf
501.65 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Infancy. [5-2003].pdf
501.67 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Infancy—Rebuttal by Emancipation. [5-2003].pdf
501.70 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Infancy—Rebuttal by Proof of Ratification After Minor Comes of Age. [5-2003].pdf
501.75 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Infancy—Rebuttal by Proof of Ratification by Guardian, Personal Representative or Agent. [5-2003].pdf
501.80 Contracts—Issue of Formation—Defense of Infancy—Rebuttal by Proof of Necessities. [5-2003].pdf

Chapter 3. Issue of Breach

502.00 Contracts—Issue of Breach.pdf
502.03 Contracts—Issue of Breach By Non-Performance. [5-2003].pdf
502.05 Contracts—Issue of Breach By Repudiation. [6-2018].pdf
502.10 Contracts—Issue of Breach By Prevention. [5-2003].pdf
502.12 Contracts—Issue of Breach - Materiality.pdf
502.15 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Waiver. [5-2004].pdf
502.20 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Prevention by Plaintiff. [5-2003].pdf
502.25 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Frustration of Purpose. [6-2014].pdf
502.30 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Impossibility (Destruction of Subject Matter of Contract). [6-2014].pdf
502.35 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Impossibility (Death, Disability, or Illness of Personal Services Provider). [6-2014].pdf
502.40 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Illegality or Unenforceability. [2-2020].pdf
502.45 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Unconscionability. [5-2003].pdf
502.47 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Direct Damages—Defense of Oral Modification of Written Contract. [5-2003].pdf
502.48 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Modification. [5-2003].pdf
502.50 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Rescission. [5-2003].pdf
502.55 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Novation. [5-2003].pdf
502.60 Contracts—Issue of Breach—Defense of Accord and Satisfaction. [5-2003].pdf

Chapter 4. Issue of Common Law Remedy

503.00 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Rescission. [5-2003].pdf
503.01 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Rescission—Measure of Restitution. [6-2014].pdf
503.03 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Specific Performance. [5-2003].pdf
503.06 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Statement of Damages Issue. [5-2003].pdf
503.12 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Buyer’s Measure of Recovery for a Seller’s Breach of Contract to Convey Real Property. [5-2003].pdf
503.15 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Seller’s Measure of Recovery for a Buyer’s Breach of Executory Contract to Purchase Real Property. [5-2003].pdf
503.18 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Broker’s Measure of Recovery for a Seller’s Breach of an Exclusive Listing Contract.[5-2003].pdf
503.21 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Owner’s Measure of Recovery for a Contractor’s Partial Breach of a Construction Contract. [5-2003].pdf
503.24 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Owner’s Measure of Recovery for a Contractor’s Partial Breach of a Construction Contract Where Correcting the Defect Would Cause Economic Waste.[5-2003].pdf
503.27 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Owner’s Measure of Recovery for a Partial Breach of a Repair or Services Contract. [5-2003].pdf
503.30 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Owner’s Measure of Recovery for a Contractor’s Failure to Perform any Work Under a Construction, Repair, or Services Contract. [5-2003].pdf
503.33 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Contractor’s Measure of Recovery for an Owner’s Breach of a Construction, Repair, or Services Contract Where the Contractor Has Fully Performed. [5-2003].pdf
503.36 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Contractor’s Measure of Recovery for an Owner’s Breach of a Construction, Repair, or Services Contract Where the Contractor Has Not Begun Performance. [5-2003].pdf
503.39 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Contractor’s Measure of Recovery for an Owner’s Breach of a Construction, Repair, or Services Contract After the Contractor Delivers Partial Performance. [5-2003].pdf
503.42 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Contractor’s Measure of Recovery for an Owner’s Breach of a Construction, Repair, or Services Contract Where the Contractor Elects to Recover Preparation [5-2003].pdf
503.45 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Owner’s Measure of Recovery for Loss of Rent due to a Lessee’s, Occupier’s, or Possessor’s Breach of Lease of Real Estate or Personal Property. [5-2003].pdf
503.48 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Owner’s Measure of Recovery for Loss of Use Due to a Lessee’s, Occupier’s, or Possessor’s Breach of Lease of Real Estate or Personal Property. [5-2003].pdf
503.51 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Owner’s Measure of Recovery for Real Estate or Personal Property Idled by Breach of a Contract Where Proof of Lost Profits or Rental Value Is Speculative. [5-2003].pdf
503.54 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Direct Damages—Employer’s Measure of Recovery for Employee’s Wrongful Termination of an Employment Contract. [5-2003].pdf
503.70 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Incidental Damages. [5-2003].pdf
503.73 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Consequential Damages. [5-2003].pdf
503.75 Breach Of Contract—Special Damages—Loss Of Profits (Formerly 517.20) [6-2013].pdf
503.76 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Future Worth of Damages in Present Value. [5-2003].pdf
503.79 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Damages Mandate. [5-2003].pdf
503.90 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Defense (Offset) for Failure to Mitigate. [5-2003].pdf
503.91 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Defense (Offset) for Failure toMitigate—Amount of Credit. [5-2003].pdf
503.94 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Validity of Liquidated Damages Provision. [5-2003].pdf
503.97 Contracts—Issue of Common Law Remedy—Amount of Liquidated Damages. [5-2003].pdf

Chapter 5. Issue of UCC Remedy

504.00 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Buyer’s Damages Upon Seller’s Repudiation. [5-2003].pdf
504.03 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Buyer’s Damages Upon Seller’s Failure to Make Delivery or Tender. [5-2003].pdf
504.06 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Buyer’s Remedy of Rightful Rejection. [5-2003].pdf
504.09 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Buyer’s Damages Upon Rightful Rejection. [5-2003].pdf
504.12 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Buyer’s Remedy of Justifiable Revocation of Acceptance. [5-2003].pdf
504.15 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Buyer’s Damages Upon Justifiable Revocation of Acceptance. [5-2003].pdf
504.18 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Buyer’s Damages After Acceptance and Retention of Goods. [5-2003].pdf
504.21 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Buyer’s Remedy of Specific Performance. [5-2003].pdf
504.24 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Seller’s Remedy (or Defense) of Stopping Delivery of Goods. [5-2003].pdf
504.27 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Seller’s Remedy (or Defense) of Reclaiming Goods Already Delivered. [5-2003].pdf
504.30 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Seller’s Remedy of Resale. [5-2003].pdf
504.33 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Seller’s Resale Damages. [5-2003].pdf
504.36 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Seller’s Contract—Market Damages. [5-2003].pdf
504.39 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Seller’s Lost Profit Damages. [5-2003].pdf
504.42 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Seller’s Remedy of Action for Price (Specific Performance) for Delivered Goods. [5-2003].pdf
504.45 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Seller’s Remedy of Action for Price (Specific Performance) for Undelivered Goods. [5-2003].pdf
504.48 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Defense (Offset) of Failure to Mitigate. [5-2003].pdf
504.51 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Validity of Liquidated Damages Provision. [5-2003].pdf
504.54 Contracts—Issue of UCC Remedy—Amount of Liquidated Damages. [5-2003].pdf

Chapter 6. Minor’s Claims Where Contract Disavowed

505.20 Contracts—Issue of Remedy—Minor’s Claim for Restitution Where Contract Is Disavowed. [5-2003].pdf
505.25 Contracts—Issue of Remedy—Minor’s Claim for Restitution Where Contract Is Disavowed—Measure of Recovery. [5-2003].pdf

Chapter 7. Agency

516.05 Agency in Contract—Authority of General Agent or Actual and Apparent. [1-2019].pdf
516.15 Agency—Ratification. [1-2019].pdf
516.30 Agency—Issue of Undisclosed Principal—Liability of Agent. [4-2005].pdf
517.20 Breach of Contract—Special Damages—Loss of Profits. [6-2013](Delete Sheet).pdf

Chapter 8. Deleted (5-2003)
Chapter 9. Action on Account

635.20 Action on Unverified Account—Issue of Liability. [5-1991].pdf
635.25 Action on Unverified Account—Issue of Amount Owed. [5-1991].pdf
635.30 Action on Verified Itemized Account. [5-1991].pdf
635.35 Action on Account Stated. [6-2014].pdf
635.40 Action on Account—Defense of Payment. [5-1991].pdf

Chapter 10. Employment Relationship

640.00 Introduction to “Employment Relationship” Series (Delete Sheet). [6-2010].pdf
640.01 Employment Relationship—Status of Person as Employee. [6-2018].pdf
640.02 Employment Relationship—Constructive Termination. [6-2010](Delete Sheet).pdf
640.03 Employment Relationship-Termination Resignation.pdf
640.10 Employment Relationship—Employment for Definite Term. [2-1991].pdf
640.12 Employment Relationship—Breach of Agreement for Definite Term. [5-1991].pdf
640.14 Employment Relationship—Employer’s Defense of Just Cause. [2-1991].pdf
640.20 Employment Relationship-Wrongful (Tortious) Termination. [3-2017].pdf
640.22 Employment Relationship—Employer’s Defense to Wrongful (Tortious) Termination. [4-1998].pdf
640.25 Employment Relationship—Blacklisting. [11-1996].pdf
640.27 Employment Discrimination—Pretext Case. [6-2018].pdf
640.28 Employment Discrimination—Mixed Motive Case. [5-2004].pdf
640.29A Employment Relationship—Adverse Employment Action in Violation of the North Carolina Whistleblower Act—Introduction. [6-2018].pdf
640.29B Employment Relationship—Adverse Employment Action in Violation of the North Carolina Whistleblower Act—Direct Admission Case. [6-2010].pdf
640.29C Employment Relationship—Adverse Employment Action in Violation of the North Carolina Whistleblower Act—Pretext Case. [6-2010].pdf
640.29D Employment Relationship—Adverse Employment Action in Violation of the North Carolina Whistleblower Act—Mixed Motive Case (Plaintiff). [6-2010].pdf
640.29E Employment Relationship—Adverse Employment Action in Violation of the North Carolina Whistleblower Act—Mixed Motive Case (Defendant). [5-2009].pdf
640.30 Employment Relationship—Damages. [6-2010].pdf
640.32 Employment Relationship—Mitigation of Damages. [6-2014].pdf
640.40 Employment Relationship—Vicarious Liability of Employer for Co-Worker Torts. [6-2015].pdf
640.42 Employment Relationship—Liability of Employer for Negligence in Hiring, Supervision, or Retention of an Employee. [5-2009].pdf
640.43 Employment Relationship—Liability of Employer for Negligence in Hiring or Selecting an Independent Contractor. [5-2009].pdf
640.44 Employment Relationship—Liability of Employer for Negligence in Retaining an Independent Contractor. [5-2009].pdf
640.46 Employment Relationship—Liability of Employer for Injury to Employee—Exception to Workers’ Compensation Exclusion. [2-2017].pdf
640.48 Employment Relationship—Liability of Principal for Negligence of Independent Contractor (Breach of Non-Delegable Duty of Safety)—Inherently Dangerous Activity. [5-2009].pdf
640.60 Employment Relationships—Wage & Hour Act—Wage Payment Claim [2-2017].pdf
640.65 Employment Relationships—Wage & Hour Act—Wage Payment Claim—Damages [6-2014].pdf
640.70 Public Employee—Direct North Carolina Constitutional Claim—Enjoyment of Fruits of Labor. [2-2019].pdf

Chapter 11. Covenants Not to Compete

645.20 Covenants Not to Compete—Issue of the Existence of the Covenant. [6-2015].pdf
645.30 Covenants Not to Compete—Issue of Whether Covenant was Breached. [5-1976].pdf
645.50 Covenants not to Compete—Issue of Damages. [5-2006].pdf

Chapter 12. Actions for Services Rendered a Decedent

714.18 Products Liability—Military Contractor Defense. [6-2022].pdf
735.00 Action for Services Rendered a Decedent—Issue of Existence of Contract. [11-22004].pdf
735.05 Action for Services Rendered a Decedent—Evidence of Promise to Compensate by Will. [12-1977].pdf
735.10 Action for Services Rendered a Decedent—Presumption that Compensation Is Intended. [5-1978].pdf
735.15 Action for Services Rendered a Decedent—Presumption of Gratuity by Family Member. [12-1977].pdf
735.20 Action for Services Rendered a Decedent—Issue of Breach of Contract. [12-1977].pdf
735.25 Action for Services Rendered a Decedent—Issue of Recovery. [12-1977].pdf
735.30 Action for Services Rendered a Decedent—Issue of Recovery—Benefits or Offsets. [10-1977].pdf
735.35 Action for Services Rendered a Decedent—Issue of Recovery—Evidence of Value of Specific Property. [10-1977].pdf
735.40 Action for Services Rendered a Decedent—Issue of Recovery—Statute of Limitations. [5-1978].pdf

Chapter 13. Quantum Meruit

736.00 Quantum Meruit—Quasi Contract—Contract Implied at Law. [5-2016].pdf
736.01 Quantum Meruit—Quasi Contract—Contract Implied at Law Measure of Recovery. [6-2015].pdf

Part III. Warranties and Products Liability

Chapter 1. Warranties in Sales of Goods

741.00 Warranties in Sales of Goods. [5-1999].pdf
741.05 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Existence of Express Warranty. [5-1999].pdf
741.10 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Breach of Express Warranty. [5-1999].pdf
741.15 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Existence of Implied Warranty of Merchantability. [6-2013].pdf
741.16 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Seller’s Defense of Modification of Implied Warranty of Merchantability. [5-1999].pdf
741.17 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Seller’s Defense of Exclusion of Implied Warranty of Merchantability. [5-1999].pdf
741.18 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Seller’s Defense of Buyer’s Actual or Constructive Knowledge of Defects—Implied Warranty of Merchantability. [5-1999].pdf
741.20 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Breach of Implied Warranty of Merchantability. [12-2003].pdf
741.25 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Existence of Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose. [5-1999].pdf
741.26 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Seller’s Defense of Modification of Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose. [5-1999].pdf
741.27 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Seller’s Defense of Exclusion of Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose. [5-1999].pdf
741.28 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Seller’s Defense of Buyer’s Actual or Constructive Knowledge of Defects—Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose. [5-1999].pdf
741.30 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Breach of Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose. [5-1999].pdf
741.31 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Existence of Implied Warranty Created by Course of Dealing or Usage of Trade. [5-1999].pdf
741.32 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Seller’s Defense of Exclusion of Implied Warranty Created by Course of Dealing or by Usage of Trade. [5-1999].pdf
741.33 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Seller’s Defense of Buyer’s Actual or Constructive Knowledge of Defects—Implied Warranty Created by Course of Dealing or by Usage of Trade. [5-1999].pdf
741.34 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Issue of Breach of Implied Warranty Created by Course of Dealing or Usage of Trade. [5-1999].pdf
741.35 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Remedies—Rightful Rejection. [5-1999].pdf
741.40 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Rightful Rejection—Damages. [5-1999].pdf
741.45 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Remedies—Justifiable Revocation of Acceptance. [5-1999].pdf
741.50 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Justifiable Revocation of Acceptance—Damages. [5-1999].pdf
741.60 Warranties in Sales of Goods—Remedy for Breach of Warranty Where Accepted Goods are Retained—Damages. [5-1999].pdf
741.65 Express and Implied Warranties—Third Party Rights of Action (Horizontal) Against Buyers Seller. [5-1999].pdf
741.66 Implied Warranties—Third Party Rights of Action (Horizontal) Against Manufacturers. [5-2006].pdf
741.67 Implied Warranties—Third Party Rights of Action (Vertical) Against Manufacturers. [5-1999].pdf
741.70 Products Liability—Claim of Inadequate Warning or Instruction. [5-2005].pdf
741.71 Products Liability—Claim Against Manufacurer for Inadequate Design or Formulation (Except Firearms or Ammunition). [5-2005].pdf
741.72 Products Liability—Firearms or Ammunition—Claim Against Manufacturer or Seller for Defective Design. [5-2005].pdf

Chapter 2. Defenses By Sellers and Manufacturers

743.05 Products Liability (Other than Express Warranty)—Seller’s Defense of Sealed Container or Lack of Opportunity to Inspect Product. [5-1999].pdf
743.06 Products Liability—Exception To Seller’s Defense of Sealed Container or Lack of Opportunity to Inspect Product. [5-2004].pdf
743.07 Products Liability—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Product Alteration or Modification. [5-1999].pdf
743.08 Products Liability—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Use Contrary to Instructions or Warnings. [5-1999].pdf
743.09 Products Liability—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Unreasonable Use in Light of Knowledge of Unreasonably Dangerous Condition of Product. [5-1999].pdf
743.10 Products Liability—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Claimant’s Failure to Exercise Reasonable Care as Proximate Cause of Damage. [5-1999].pdf
744.05 Products Liability (Other than Express Warranty)—Seller’s Defense of Sealed Container or Lack of Opportunity to Inspect Product. [5-1999].pdf
744.06 Products Liability—Exception to Seller’s Defense of Sealed Container or Lack of Opportunity to Inspect Product. [5-2004].pdf
744.07 Products Liability—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Product Alteration or Modification. [5-1999].pdf
744.08 Products Liability—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Use Contrary to Instructions or Warnings. [6-2010].pdf
744.09 Products Liability—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Unreasonable Use in Light of Knowledge of Unreasonably Dangerous Condition of Product. [5-1999].pdf
744.10 Products Liability—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Claimant’s Failure to Exercise Reasonable Care as Proximate Cause of Damage. [5-1999].pdf
744.12 Products Liability—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Open and Obvious Risk. [5-1999].pdf
744.13 Products Liability—Prescription Drugs—Seller’s and Manufacturer’s Defense of Delivery of Adequate Warning or Instruction to Prescribers or Dispensers. [5-1999].pdf
744.16 Products Liability—Manufacturer’s Defense of Inherent Characteristic. [5-1999].pdf
744.17 Products Liability—Prescription Drugs—Manufacturer’s Defense of Unavoidably Unsafe Aspect. [5-1999].pdf
744.18 Products Liability—Statute of Limitations. [6-2010].pdf
744.19 Products Liability—Military Contractor Defense. [6-2022].pdf

Chapter 3. New Motor Vehicle Warranties (“Lemon Law”)

745.01 New Motor Vehicles Warranties Act (Lemon Law)—Manufacturer’s Failure to Make Repairs Necessary to Conform New Motor Vehicle to Applicable Express Warranties [6-2013].pdf
745.03 New Motor Vehicles Warranties Act (“Lemon Law”)—Manufacturer Unable to Conform New Motor Vehicle to Express Warranty. [6-2013].pdf
745.05 New Motor Vehicles Warranties Act (Lemon Law)—Manufacturer’s Affirmative Defense of Abuse, Neglect, Odometer Tampering, or Unauthorized Modifications or Alterations [6-2013].pdf
745.07 New Motor Vehicles Warranties Act (“Lemon Law”)—Damages When Plaintiff is a Purchaser. [6-2015].pdf
745.09 New Motor Vehicles Warranties Act (“Lemon Law”)—Damages When Plaintiff is a Lessee. [6-2015].pdf
745.11 New Motor Vehicles Warranties Act (“Lemon Law”)—Damages When Plaintiff is a Lessor. [6-2015].pdf
745.13 New Motor Vehicles Warranties Act (“Lemon Law”)—Unreasonable Refusal to Comply with Requirements of Act. [5-1999].pdf

Chapter 4. New Dwelling Warranty

747.00 Warranties in Sales of Dwellings—Issue of Existence of Implied Warranty of Habitability. [5-1999].pdf
747.10 Warranties in Sales of Dwellings—Issue of Builder’s Defense that Buyer Had Notice of Defect. [5-1999].pdf
747.20 Warranties in Sales of Dwellings—Issue of Breach of Implied Warranty of Habitability. [12-2003].pdf
747.30 Warranties in Sales of Dwellings—Remedies—Rescission. [5-1999].pdf
747.35 Warranties in Sales of Dwellings—Remedies—Special Damages Following Rescission. [5-1999].pdf
747.36 Warranties in Sales of Dwellings—Remedies—Credit to Seller for Reasonable Rental Value. [5-1999].pdf
747.40 Warranties in Sales of Dwellings—Remedies—Damages Upon Retention of Dwelling. [5-1999].pdf

Part IV. Miscellaneous Torts

Chapter 1. Fraud;

800.00 Fraud. [6-2018].pdf
800.00A Fraud—Statute of Limitations [5-2016].pdf
800.03 Definition of Fiduciary Explanation of Fiduciary Relationship.pdf
800.04 Breach of Fiduciary Duty
800.05 Constructive Fraud. [6-2018].pdf
800.06 Constructive Fraud—Rebuttal by Proof of Openness, Fairness and Honesty. [5-2022].pdf
800.07 Fraud Damages. [6-2007].pdf
800.10 Negligent Misrepresentation. [3-2000].pdf
800.11 Negligent Misrepresentation Damages. [6-2007].pdf

Chapter 2. Criminal Conversation and Alienation of Affections;

800.20 Alienation of Affection. [12-2016].pdf
800.22 Alienation of Affections—Damages. [6-2007].pdf
800.23 Alienation of Affection—Statute of Limitations. [6-2010].pdf
800.23A Alienation of Affection—Statute of Limitations. [6-2010].pdf
800.25 Criminal Conversation. Adultery. [6-2010].pdf
800.26 Alienation of AffectionCriminal Conversation—Damages. [6-2010].pdf
800.27 Criminal Conversation—Statute of Limitations. [6-2015].pdf
800.27A Criminal Conversation—Statute of Limitations. [6-2015].pdf

Chapter 3. Assault and Battery;

800.50 Assault. [2-1994].pdf
800.51 Battery. [2-2016].pdf
800.52 Assault or Battery—Defense of Self. [5-1994].pdf
800.53 Assault and Battery—Defense of Family Member. [5-1994].pdf
800.54 Assault and Battery—Defense of Another from Felonious Assault. [5-2004].pdf
800.56 Assault and Battery—Defense of Property. [5-1994].pdf

Chapter 3A. Infliction of Emotional Distress;

800.60 Intentional or Reckless Infliction of Severe Emotional Distress. [4-2004].pdf

Chapter 3B. Loss of Consortium

800.65 Action for Loss of Consortium. [12-1999].pdf

Chapter 4. Invasion of Privacy

800.70 Invasion of Privacy—Offensive Intrustion. [6-2013].pdf
800.71 Invasion of Privacy—Offensive Intrusion—Damages. [6-2010].pdf
800.72 Invasion of Privacy—Disclosure of Private Images. [5-2022].pdf
800.73 Invasion of Privacy—Disclosure of Private Images—Actual Damages. [5-2022].pdf
800.74 Invasion of Privacy—Disclosure of Private Images—Number of Days—Liquidated Damages. [5-2022].pdf
800.75 Invasion of Privacy—Appropriation of Name or Likeness for Commercial Use. [5-2001].pdf
800.76 Invasion of Privacy—Appropriation of Name or Likeness for Commercial Use— Damages. [5-2001].pdf
800.80 Invasion of Privacy - Use of Unmanned Aircraft System - Surveillance.pdf
800.81 Invasion of Privacy - Use of Unmanned Aircraft System - Photographs.pdf
800.82 Invasion of Privacy - Use of Unmanned Aircraft System - Number of Photographs.pdf
800.83 Invasion of Privacy - Use of Unmanned Aircraft System - Actual Damage.pdf

Chapter 5. Malicious Prosecution, False Imprisonment, and Abuse of Process

801.00 Malicious Prosecution—Criminal Proceeding. [6-2014].pdf
801.01 Malicious Prosecution—Civil Proceeding. [1-1995].pdf
801.05 Malicious Prosecution—Damages. [10-1994].pdf
801.10 Malicious Prosecution—Punitive Damages—Issue of Existence of Actual Malice. [5-2001].pdf
802.00 False Imprisonment. [6-2014].pdf
802.01 False Imprisonment—Merchant’s Defenses. [5-2004].pdf
803.00 Abuse of Process. [6-2012].pdf
804.00 Section 1983—Excessive Force in Making Lawful Arrest. [5-2004].pdf
804.01 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Common Law Claim for Battery—Issue of Battery. [3-2016].pdf
804.02 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Common Law Claim for Battery—Issue of Lawfulness of Arrest. [3-2016].pdf
804.03 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Common Law Claim for Battery Issue of Reasonableness of Force Used. [3-2016].pdf
804.04 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Common Law Claim for Battery Damages [3-2016].pdf
804.05 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Common Law Claim for Battery—Sample Verdict Sheet. [3-2016].pdf
804.06 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Section 1983 Claim—Issue of Color of State Law. [3-2016].pdf
804.07 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Section 1983 Claim—Issue of Use of Force [3-2016].pdf
804.08 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Section 1983 Claim—Issue of Lawfulness of Arrest. [3-2016].pdf
804.09 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Section 1983 Claim—Issue of Reasonableness of Force Used. [3-2016].pdf
804.10 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Section 1983 Claim—Damages.[3-2016].pdf
804.11 Excessive Force in Making Lawful Arrest—Section 1983 Claim—Punitive Damages. [3-2016].pdf
804.12 Excessive Force in Making Arrest—Section 1983 Claim—Sample Verdict Sheet. [3-2016].pdf
804.50 Section 1983—Unreasonable Search of Home. [6-2016].pdf

Chapter 6. Nuisances and Trespass

805.00 Trespass to Real Property. [6-2015].pdf
805.05 Trespass to Real Property—Damages. [5-2001].pdf
805.10 Trespass to Personal Property. [5-2001].pdf
805.15 Trespass to Personal Property—Damages. [5-2001].pdf
805.20 Private Nuisance. [3-2020].pdf
805.21 Littering—Civil Action for Damages for Felonious Littering—Damages Issue. [4-2019].pdf
805.25 Private Nuisance - Dagages (Real Property).pdf
805.26 Private Nuisance - Nuisance by Waterflow.pdf
805.30 Private Nuisance—Damages (Real Property). [6-2022].pdf

Chapter 7. Owners and Occupiers of Land

805.50 Status of Party—Lawful Visitor or Trespassor. [5-1999].pdf
805.55 Duty of Owner to Lawful Visitor. [1-2022].pdf
805.56 Duty of Owner to Lawful Visitor—Defense of Contributory Negligence.[6-2018].pdf
805.64 Duty of Owner to Trespasser—Intentional Harms [6-2013].pdf
805.64A Duty of Owner to Trespasser—Use of Reasonable Force Defense [6-2013].pdf
805.64B Duty of Owner to Child Trespasser—Artificial Condition [6-2013].pdf
805.64C Duty of Owner to Trespasser Position of Peril [6-2013].pdf
805.65 Duty of Owner to Trespasser. [6-2013].pdf
805.65A Duty of Owner to Child Trespasser—Attractive Nuisance. [6-2013].pdf
805.66 Duty of Owner to Trespasser—Defense of Contributory Willful or Wanton Conduct (“Gross Negligence”). [11-2004].pdf
805.67 Duty of City or County to Users of Public Ways. [1-2022].pdf
805.68 City or County Negligence—Defense of Contributory Negligence—Sui Juris Plaintiff. [5-1990].pdf
805.69 City or County Negligence—Defense of Contributory Negligence—Handicapped Plaintiff. [5-1990].pdf
805.70 Duty of Adjoining Landowners—Negligence. [5-1990].pdf
805.71 Duty of Landlord to Residential Tenant—Residential Premises and Common Areas. [5-2022].pdf
805.72 Duty of Landlord to Residential Tenant—Residential Premises and Common Areas— Defense of Contributory Negligence. [6-2018].pdf
805.73 Duty of Landlord to Non-Residential Tenant—Controlled or Common Areas. [5-1990].pdf
805.74 Duty of Landlord to Non-Residential Tenant—Controlled or Common Areas—Defense of Contributory Negligence. [6-2018].pdf
805.80 Duty of Landlord to Tenant—Vacation Rental. [5-2001].pdf

Chapter 8. Conversion

806.00 Conversion. [5-1996].pdf
806.01 Conversion—Defense of Abandonment. [5-1996].pdf
806.02 Conversion—Defense of Sale (or Exchange). [5-1996].pdf
806.03 Conversion—Defense of Gift. [4-2004].pdf
806.05 Conversion—Damages. [5-1996].pdf

Chapter 9. Defamation.

806.40 Defamation—Preface. [6-2021].pdf
806.50 Defamation—Libel Actionable Per Se—Private Figure—Not Matter of Public Concern. [6-2021].pdf
806.51 Defamation—Libel Actionable Per Se—Private Figure—Matter of Public Concern. [6-2021].pdf
806.53 Defamation—Libel Actionable Per Se—Public Figure or Official [6-2021].pdf
806.60 Defamation—Libel Actionable Per Quod—Private Figure—Not Matter of Public Concern. [6-2021].pdf
806.61 Defamation—Libel Actionable Per Quod—Private Figure—Matter of Public Concern. [6-2021].pdf
806.62 Defamation—Libel Actionable Per Quod—Public Figure or Official. [6-2021].pdf
806.65 Defamation—Slander Actionable Per Se—Private Figure—Not Matter of Public Concern. [6-2021].pdf
806.66 Defamation—Slander Actionable Per Se—Private Figure—Matter of Public Concern. [6-2021].pdf
806.67 Defamation—Slander Actionable Per Se—Public Figure or Official. [6-2021].pdf
806.70 Defamation—Slander Actionable Per Quod—Private Figure—Not Matter of Public Concern. [6-2021].pdf
806.71 Defamation—Slander Actionable Per Quod—Private Figure—Matter of Public Concern. [6-2021].pdf
806.72 Defamation—Slander Actionable Per Quod—Public Figure or Official.[6-2021].pdf
806.79 Defamation—Libel Actionable Per Se or Libel Actionable Per Quod—Private Figure— Not Matter of Public Concern—Defense of Truth. [6-2021].pdf
806.81 Defamation Actionable Per Se—Private Figure—Not Matter of Public Concern— Presumed Damages. [6-2021].pdf
806.82 Defamation Actionable Per Se—Private Figure—Matter of Public Concern—Presumed Damages. [6-2021].pdf
806.83 Defamation Actionable Per Se—Public Figure or Official—Presumed Damages. [6-2021].pdf
806.84 Defamation—Actual Damages. [6-2021].pdf
806.85 Defamation—Private Figure—Matter of Public Concern—Issue of Actual Malice. [6-2021].pdf

Chapter 10. Interference with Contracts

807.00 Wrongful Interference with Contract Right. [6-2020].pdf
807.10 Wrongful Interference with Prospective Contract. [6-2020].pdf
807.20 Slander of Title. [11-2004].pdf
807.50 Breach of Duty—Corporate Director. [3-2016].pdf
807.52 Breach of Duty—Corporate Officer. [5-2002].pdf
807.54 Breach of Duty—Controlling Shareholder of Closely Held Corporation—Issue of Closely Held Corporation. [5-2002].pdf
807.56 Breach of Duty—Controlling Shareholder of Closely Held Corporation—Issue of Taking Improper Advantage of Power. [5-2002].pdf
807.58 Breach of Duty—Controlling Shareholder of Closely Held Corporation—Issue of Taking Improper Advantage of Power—Defense of Good Faith, Care and Diligence. [5-2002].pdf

Chapter 11. Medical Malpractice. Deleted
Chapter 11A. Medical Negligence/Medical Malpractice

809.00 Medical Negligence—Direct Evidence of Negligence Only. [6-2014].pdf
809.00A Medical Malpractice—Direct Evidence of Negligence Only. [1-2019].pdf
809.03 Medical Negligence.pdf
809.03A Medical Malpractice [2019].pdf
809.05 Medical Negligence—Both Direct and Indirect Evidence of Negligence. [6-2014].pdf
809.05A Medical Malpractice—Both Direct and Indirect Evidence of Negligence. [5-2019].pdf
809.06 Medical Malpractice—Corporate or Administrative Negligence by Hospital, Nursing Home or Adult Care Home. [5-2022].pdf
809.07 Medical Negligence—Defense of Limitation by Notice or Special Agreement. [5-1998].pdf
809.20 Medical Malpractice—Existence of Emergency Medical Condition. [6-2013].pdf
809.22 Medical Malpractice—Emergency Medical Condition—Direct Evidence of Negligence Only. [5-2019].pdf
809.22 Medical Malpractice—Emergency Medical Condition—Indirect Evidence of Negligence Only. [5-2019].pdf
809.26 Medical Malpractice—Emergency Medical Condition—Both Direct and Indirect Evidence of Negligence. [5-2019].pdf
809.28 Medical Malpractice—Emergency Medical Condition—Corporate or Administrative Negligence by Hospital, Nursing Home or Adult Care Home. [6-2012].pdf
809.45 Medical Negligence—Informed Consent—Actual and Constructive. [5-2019].pdf
809.65 Medical Negligence—Health Care Provider’s Liability for Acts of Non-Employee Agents—Respondeat Superior. [6-2012].pdf
809.65A Medical Malpractice—Health Care Provider’s Liability for Acts of Non-Employee Agents—Respondeat Superior. [5-2019].pdf
809.66 Medical Negligence—Health Care Provider’s Liability for Acts of Non-Employee Agents—Respondeat Superior—Apparent Agency. [5-2019].pdf
809.75 Medical Negligence—Institutional Health Care Provider’s Liability for Selection of Attending Physician. [5-2019].pdf
809.80 Medical Negligence—Institutional Health Care Provider’s Liability for Agents; Existence of Agency. [6-2012].pdf
809.100 Medical Malpractice—Damages—Personal Injury Generally. [6-2015].pdf
809.114 Medical Malpractice Personal Injury Damages—Permanent Injury—Economic Damages. [6-2015].pdf
809.115 Medical Malpractice Personal Injury Damages—Permanent Injury—Non-Economic Damages. [6-2015].pdf
809.120 Medical Malpractice Personal Injury Damages—Final Mandate. (Regular). [6-2012].pdf
809.122 Medical Malpractice—Personal Injury Damages—Final Mandate. (Per Diem Argument by Counsel). [6-2012].pdf
809.142 Medical Malpractice—Damages—Wrongful Death Generally. [6-2015].pdf
809.150 Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Damages—Present Monetary Value of Deceased to Next-of-Kin—Economic Damages. [6-2015].pdf
809.151 Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Damages—Present Monetary Value of Deceased to Next-of-Kin—Non-Economic Damages. [6-2015].pdf
809.154 Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Damages—Final Mandate. (Regular). [6-2012].pdf
809.156 Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Damages—Final Mandate. (Per Diem Argument by Counsel). [6-2012].pdf
809.160 Medical Malpractice—Damages—No Limit on Non-Economic Damages. [6-2015].pdf
809.199 Medical Malpractice—Sample Verdict Form—Damages Issues. [6-2015].pdf

Chapter 12. Damages

810.00 Personal Injury Damages—Issue and Burden of Proof. [6-2012].pdf
810.00 Series Reorganization Notice—Damages.pdf
810.02 Personal Injury Damages—In General. [6-2012].pdf
810.04 Personal Injury Damages—Damages—Medical Expenses. [6-2013].pdf
810.04A Personal Injury Damages—Medical Expenses—Stipulation. [6-2013].pdf
810.04B Personal Injury Damages—Medical Expenses—Stipulation as to Amount Paid or Necessary to Be Paid, but Not Nexus to Conduct. [6-2013].pdf
810.04C Personal Injury Damages—Medical Expenses—No Stipulation, No Rebuttal Evidence. [6-2013].pdf
810.04D Personal Injury Damages—Medical Expenses—No Stipulation, Rebuttal Evidence Offered. [6-2013].pdf
810.06 Personal Injury Damages—Loss of Earnings. [2-2000].pdf
810.08 Personal Injury Damages—Pain and Suffering. [5-2006].pdf
810.10 Personal Injury Damager—Scarring or Disfigurement. [6-2010].pdf
810.12 Personal Injury Damages—Loss (of Use) of Part of the Body. [6-2010].pdf
810.14 Personal Injury Damages—Permanent Injury. [6-2015].pdf
810.16 Personal Injury Damages future worth in present value.pdf
810.18 Personal Injury Damages set off deduction of workers compensation.pdf
810.20 Personal Injury Damages—Final Mandate. (Regular). [6-2012].pdf
810.22 Personal Injury Damages—Final Mandate. (Per Diem Argument by Counsel). [6-2012].pdf
810.24 Personal Injury Damages—Defense of Mitigation. [6-2018].pdf
810.30 Personal Injury Damages—Loss of Consortium. [12-1999].pdf
810.32 Personal Injury Damages—Parent’s Claim for Negligent or Wrongful Injury to Minor Child. [6-2010].pdf
810.40 Wrongful Death Damages—Issue and Burden of Proof. [1-2000].pdf
810.41 Wrongful Death Damages [2017].pdf
810.42 Wrongful Death Damages—In General. [6-2012].pdf
810.44 Wrongful Death Damages—Medical Expenses. [6-2013].pdf
810.44A Wrongful Death Damages—Medical Expenses—Stipulation. [6-2013].pdf
810.44B Wrongful Death Damages—Medical Expenses—Stipulation as to Amount Paid or Necessary to Be Paid, but Not Nexus to Conduct. [6-2013].pdf
810.44C Wrongful Death Damages—Medical Expenses—No Stipulation, No Rebuttal Evidence. [6-2013].pdf
810.44D Wrongful Death Injury Damages—Medical Expenses—No Stipulation, Rebuttal Evidence Offered. [6-2013].pdf
810.46 Wrongful Death Damages—Pain and Suffering. [1-2000].pdf
810.48 Wrongful Death Damages—Funeral Expenses. [6-2013].pdf
810.48A Wrongful Death Damages—Funeral Expenses—Stipulation. [6-2013].pdf
810.48B Wrongful Death Damages—Funeral Expenses—Stipulation as to Amount Paid or Necessary to Be Paid, but Not Nexus to Conduct. [6-2013].pdf
810.48C Wrongful Death Damages—Funeral Expenses—No Stipulation, No Rebuttal Evidence. [6-2013].pdf
810.48D Wrongful Death Injury Damages—Funeral Expenses—No Stipulation, Rebuttal Evidence Offered. [6-2013].pdf
810.50 Wrongful Death Damages—Present Monetary Value of Deceased to Next-of-Kin. [6-2015].pdf
810.54 Wrongful Death Damages—Final Mandate. (Regular). [6-2012].pdf
810.56 Wrongful Death Damages—Final mandate. (Per Diem Argument by Counsel). [6-2012].pdf
810.60 Property Damages—Issue and Burden of Proof. [4-2017].pdf
810.62 Property Damages—Diminution in Market Value. [2-2000].pdf
810.64 Property Damages—No Market Value—Cost of Replacement or Repair. [2-2000].pdf
810.66 Property Damages—No Market Value, Repair, or Replacement—Recovery of Intrinsic Actual Value. [6-2013].pdf
810.68 Property Damages—Final Mandate. [2-2000].pdf
810.90 Punitive Damages—Issue of Existence of Outrageous or Aggravated Conduct. [5-1996].pdf
810.91 Punitive Damages—Issue of Existence of Malicious, Willful or Wanton, or Grossly Negligent Conduct—Wrongful Death Cases. [5-1997].pdf
810.92 Punitive Damages—Insurance Company’s Bad Faith Refusal to Settle a Claim. [5-1996].pdf
810.93 Punitive Damages—Issue of Whether to Make Award and Amount. [5-1996].pdf
810.94 Punitive Damages—Issue of Whether to Make Award and Amount. (Special Cases). [5-1996].pdf
810.96 Punitive Damages—Liability of Defendant. [3-2016].pdf
810.98 Punitive Damages—Issue of Whether to Make Award and Amount of Award. [5-2009].pdf

Chapter 13. Legal Malpractice

811.00 Legal Negligence—Duty to Client (Formerly 809.90) [as represented from Civil Committee] [3-2020].pdf

Chapter 14. Animals

812.00 Preface Animals—Liability of Owners and Keepers.pdf
812.01 Animals—Liability of Owner Who Allows Dog to Run at Large at Night. [8-2004].pdf
812.02 Animals—Common Law Liability of Owner Whose Domestic Livestock Run at Large with Owner’s Knowledge and Consent. [5-1996].pdf
812.03 Animals—Common Law Liability of Owner of Domestic Animals. [6-2011].pdf
812.04 Animals—Owner’s Negligence In Violation of Animal Control Ordinance. [5-1996].pdf
812.05 Animals—Liability of Owner of Dog Which Injures, Kills, or Maims Livestock or Fowl. [5-1996].pdf
812.06 Animals—Liability of Owner Who Fails to Destroy Dog Bitten by Mad Dog. [5-1996].pdf
812.07 Animals—Statutory (Strict) Liability of Owner of a Dangerous Dog. [5-1996].pdf

Chapter 15. Trade Regulation

813.00 Trade Regulation—Preface. [6-2013].pdf
813.05 Model Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practice Charge. [6-2014].pdf
813.20 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Contracts and Conspiracies in Restraint of Trade. [1-1995].pdf
813.21 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices. [2-2020].pdf
813.22 Trade Regulation—Violation—Definition of Conspiracy. [2-2019].pdf
813.23 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Price Suppression of Goods. [5-1997].pdf
813.24 Trade Regulation Violation Issue of Condition Not to Deal in Goods of Competitor. [5-1997].pdf
813.25 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Predatory Acts with Design of Price Fixing. [5-1997].pdf
813.26 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Predatory Pricing. [5-1997].pdf
813.27 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Discriminatory Pricing. [5-1997].pdf
813.28 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Territorial Market Allocation. [5-1997].pdf
813.29 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Price Fixing. [5-1997].pdf
813.30 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Tying Between Lender and Insurer. [4-1995].pdf
813.31 Trade Regulation—Violation—Unauthorized Disclosure of Tax Information. [3-1995].pdf
813.33 Trade Regulation—Violations—Unsolicited Calls by Automatic Dialing and Recorded Message Players. [3-1995].pdf
813.34 Trade Regulation—Violation—Work-at-Home Solicitations. [5-1995].pdf
813.35 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Representation of Winning a Prize. [5-1995].pdf
813.36 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Representation of Eligibility to Win a Prize. [5-1995].pdf
813.37 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Representation of Being Specially Selected. [5-1995].pdf
813.38 Trade Regulation—Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices—Simulation of Checks and Invoices. [5-1995].pdf
813.39 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Use of Term “Wholesale” in Advertising. G.S. 75-29. [5-1995].pdf
813.40 Trade Regulation—Violation—Issue of Utilizing the Word “Wholesale” in Company or Firm Name. G.S. 75-29. [5-1995].pdf
813.41 Trade Regulation—Violation—False Lien Or Encumbrance Against A Public Officer or Public Employee [6-2013].pdf
813.60 Trade Regulation—Commerce—Introduction. [6-2015].pdf
813.62 Trade Regulation—Commerce—Unfair and Deceptive Methods of Competition and Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices. [5-2020].pdf
813.63 Trade Regulation—Commerce—Representation of Winning a Prize, Representation of Eligibility to Win a Prize, Representation of Being Specially Selected, and Simulation of Checks and Invoices. [1-1995].pdf
813.70 Trade Regulation—Proximate Cause—Issue of Proximate Cause. [6-2014].pdf
813.80 Trade Regulation—Damages—Issue of Damages. [5-2006].pdf
813.90 Misappropriation of Trade Secret—Issue of Existence of Trade Secret. [6-2013].pdf
813.92 Misappropriation of Trade Secret—Issue of Misappropriation. [6-2013].pdf
813.94 Misappropriation of Trade Secret—Defense to Misappropriation. [6-2013].pdf
813.96 Misappropriation of Trade Secret—Issue of Causation. [6-2013].pdf
813.98 Misappropriation of Trade Secret—Issue of Damages. [5-2020].pdf

Chapter 16. Bailment

814.00 Bailments—Issue of Bailment. [5-1996].pdf
814.02 Bailments—Bailee’s Negligence—Prima Facie Case. [5-1996].pdf
814.03 Bailments—Bailee’s Negligence. [5-1996].pdf
814.04 Bailments—Bailor’s Negligence. [5-1996].pdf

Chapter 17. Fraudulent Transfer

814.40 Civil RICO—Introduction [5-2016].pdf
814.41 Civil RICO—Engaging in a Pattern of Racketeering Activity [5-2016].pdf
814.42 Civil RICO—Enterprise Activity [5-2016].pdf
814.43 Civil RICO—Conspiracy [5-2016].pdf
814.44 Civil RICO—Attempt [5-2016].pdf
814.50 Fraudulent Transfer—Present and Future Creditors—Intent to Delay, Hinder, or Defraud. [6-2018].pdf
814.55 Fraudulent Transfer—Present and Future Creditors—Intent to Delay, Hinder, or Defraud—Transferee’s Defense of Good Faith and Reasonably Equivalent Value. [6-2015].pdf
814.65 Fraudulent Transfer—Present and Future Creditors—Lack of Reasonably Equivalent Value. [2-2017].pdf
814.70 Fraudulent Transfer—Present Creditors—Insolvent Debtor and Lack of Reasonably Equivalent Value. [5-2018].pdf
814.75 Fraudulent Transfer—Present Creditors—Transfer to Insider While Insolvent. [6-2018].pdf
814.80 Fraudulent Transfer—Present Creditors—Transfer to Insider While Insolvent— Defense of New Value Given. [2-2017].pdf
814.81 Fraudulent Transfer—Present Creditors—Transfer to Insider While Insolvent—Defense of New Value Given—Amount of New Value [5-2017].pdf
814.85 Fraudulent Transfer—Present Creditors—Transfer to Insider While Insolvent— Defense of Transfer in the Ordinary Course. [6-2015].pdf
814.90 Fraudulent Transfer—Present Creditors—Transfer to Insider While Insolvent— Defense of Good Faith Effort to Rehabilitate. [6-2015].pdf

Chapter 18. Budget Dispute Between Board of Education and Board of County Commissioners

814.95 Budget Dispute Between Board of Education and Board of County Commissioners [5-2015].pdf
814.95A Budget Dispute Between Board of Education and Board of County Commissioners— Appendix— Sample Verdict Sheet [3-2016].pdf

Part V. Family Matters

815.00 Void Marriage—Issue of Lack of Consent. [8-2004].pdf
815.02 Void Marriage—Issue of Lack of Proper Solemnization. [1-1999].pdf
815.04 Void Marriage—Issue of Bigamy. [1-1999].pdf
815.06 Void Marriage—Issue of Marriage to Close Blood Kin. [1-1999].pdf
815.08 Invalid Marriage—Issue of Same Gender Marriage. [1-1999].pdf
815.10 DivorceAbsolute—Issue of Knowledge of Grounds. [1-1999].pdf
815.20 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)—Issue of Marriage of Person Under 16. [1-1999].pdf
815.22 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)—Issue of Marriage of Person Under 16—Defense of Pregnancy or Living Children. [1-1999].pdf
815.23 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)—Issue of Marriage of Person between 16 and 18. [1-1999].pdf
815.24 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)—Issue of Impotence. [1-1999].pdf
815.26 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)—Issue of Impotence—Defense of Knowledge. [1-1999].pdf
815.27 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)—Issue of Duress. [5-2006].pdf
815.28 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)—Issue of Lack of Sufficient Mental Capacity and Understanding. [1-1999].pdf
815.29 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)—Issue of Undue Influence. [5-2006].pdf
815.30 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)-Issues of Marriage to Close Blood Kin, Marriage of Person Under 16, Marriage of Person[1-1999].pdf
815.32 Voidable Marriage (Annulment)-Issues of Marriage of Person Under 16, Marriage of Person Between 16 and 18 Impotence[1-1999].pdf
815.40 Divorce—Absolute—Issue of One Year’s Separation. [8-2004].pdf
815.42 Divorce—Absolute—Issue of One Year’s Separation—Defense of Mental Impairment. [1-1999].pdf
815.44 Divorce—Absolute—Issue of Incurable Insanity. [1-1999].pdf
815.46 Divorce—Absolute—Issue of Incurable Insanity—Defense of Contributory Conduct of Sane Spouse. [1-1999].pdf
815.50 Divorce—From Bed and Board—Issue of Abandonment. [8-2004].pdf
815.52 Divorce—From Bed and Board—Issue of Malicious Turning Out-of-Doors. [1-1999].pdf
815.54 Divorce—From Bed and Board—Issue of Cruelty. [1-1999].pdf
815.56 Divorce—From Bed and Board—Issue of Indignities. [8-2004].pdf
815.58 Divorce—From Bed and Board—Issue of Excessive Use of Alcohol or Drugs. [1-1999].pdf
815.60 Divorce—From Bed and Board—Issue of Adultery. [1-1999].pdf
815.70 Alimony—Issue of Marital Misconduct. [6-2013].pdf
815.71 Alimony—Issue of Condonation. [6-2009].pdf
815.72 Alimony—Issue of Condonation—Violation of Condition. [3-2009].pdf
815.75 Child Born Out of Wedlock—Issue of Paternity. [3-1999].pdf
815.90 Parents’ Strict Liability for Personal Injury or Destruction of Property by Minor. G.S. 1-538.10. [3-1999].pdf
815.91 Parents’ Strict Liability for Personal Injury or Destruction of Property by Minor—Issue of Damages. G.S. 1-538.10. (Delete Sheet). [3-1999].pdf
815.92 Parents’ Strict Liability for Personal Injury or Destruction of Property by Minor—Defense of Removal of Legal Custody and Control. [3-1999].pdf
817.00 Incompetency. [6-2007].pdf

Part VI. Land Actions

Chapter 1. Adverse Possession

820.00 Adverse Possession—Holding for Statutory Period. [4-2019].pdf
820.10 Adverse Possession—Color of Title. [4-2019].pdf
820.16 Adverse Possession by a Cotenant Claiming Constructive Ouster. [2-2017].pdf

Chapter 2. Proof of Title

820.40 Proof of Title—Real Property Marketable Title Act. [6-2018].pdf
820.50 Proof of Title—Connected Chain of Title from the State. [5-2001].pdf
820.60 Proof of Title—Superior Title from a Common Source—Source Uncontested. [5-2001].pdf

Chapter 3. Boundary Dispute

825.00 Processioning Action. (N.C.G.S. Ch. 38). [5-2020].pdf

Chapter 4. Eminent Domain—Initiated Before January 1, 1982. Deleted. (2/1999)

Chapter 5. Eminent Domain—Initiated on or After January 1, 1982

835.00 Eminent Domain—Series Preface. [4-1999].pdf
835.05 Eminent Domain—Introductory Instruction. [8-2015].pdf
835.10 Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Total Taking by Department of Transportation or by Municipality for Highway Purposes. [4-2020].pdf
835.12 Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Partial Taking by Department of Transportation or by Municipality for Highway Purposes. [4-2019].pdf
835.12A Eminent Domain—Just Compensation—Partial Taking by Department of Transportation or by Municipality for Highway Purposes—Issue of General or Special Benefit. [5-2017].pdf
835.13 Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Partial Taking by Department of Transportation or by Municipality for Highway Purposes (“Map Act”). [4-2019].pdf
835.13A Eminent Domain—Just Compensation—Partial Taking by Department of Transportation or by Municipality for Highway Purposes (“Map Act”) – Issue of General or Special Benefit. [5-2017].pdf
835.14 Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Taking of an Easement by Department of Transportation or by Municipality for Highway Purposes. [4-2019].pdf
835.14A Eminent Domain—Just Compensation—Taking of an Easement by Department of Transportation or by Municipality for Highway Purposes—Issue of General or Special Benefit. [5-2017].pdf
835.15 Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Total Taking by Private or Local Public Condemnors. [5-2006].pdf
835.15a Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Taking of a Temporary Construction or Drainage Easement by Department of Transportation or by Municipality for Highway Purposes. [2-2020].pdf
835.20 Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Partial Taking by Private or Local Public Condemnors—Fair Market Value of Property Taken. [5-2006].pdf
835.20A Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Taking of an Easement by Private or Local Public Condemnors—Fair Market Value of Property Taken. [5-2006].pdf
835.22 Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Partial Taking by Private or Local Public Condemnors—Fair Market Value of Property Before and After the Taking. [5-2006].pdf
835.22A Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Taking of an Easement by Private or Local Public Condemnors—Fair Market Value of Property Before and After the Taking. [5-2006].pdf
825.24 Eminent Domain—Issue of Just Compensation—Partial Taking by Private or Local Public Condemnors—Greater of the Fair Market [5-2006].pdf
825.24A Eminent Domain--Issue Of Just Compensation--Taking Of An Easement By Private Or Local Public Condemnors.pdf

Chapter 6. Easements

840.10 Easement by Prescription. [4-2019].pdf
840.15 Easement by Plat.pdf
840.20 Implied Easement—Use of Predecessor Common Owner. [5-2022].pdf
840.25 Implied Easement—Way of Necessity. [6-2015].pdf
840.30 Cartway Proceeding. N.C. Gen Stat. § 136-69 [6-2015].pdf
840.31 Cartway Proceeding—Compensation. [5-2000].pdf
840.40 Easement—Reasonableness of Scope Equipment. [5-2022].pdf

Chapter 7. Summary Ejectment and Rent Abatement

845.00 Summary Ejectment—Violation of a Provision in the Lease. [4-2017].pdf
845.04 Summary Ejectment—Defense of Tender. [2-1993].pdf
845.05 Summary Ejectment—Failure to Pay Rent. [2-1993].pdf
845.10 Summary Ejectment—Holding Over After the End of the Lease Period. [2-1993].pdf
845.15 Summary Ejectment—Defense of Waiver of Breach by Acceptance of Rent. [12-1992].pdf
845.20 Summary Ejectment—Damages. [2-1993].pdf
845.30 Landlord’s Responsibility to Provide Fit Residential Premises. [2-1993].pdf
845.35 Landlord’s Responsibility to Provide Fit Residential Premises—Issue of Damages. [1-2000].pdf

Chapter 8. Land-Disturbing Activity

847.00 Land-Disturbing Activity—Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973—Violation of Act—Violation of Ordinance, Rule or Order of Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources or of Local Government. [6-2008].pdf
847.01 Land-Disturbing Activity—Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973—Violation of Act—Violation of Ordinance, Rule or Order of Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources or of Local Government—Damages. [6-2008].pdf

Part VII. Deeds, Wills, and Trusts

Chapter 1. Deeds

850.00 Deeds—Action to Establish Validity—Requirements. [8-2004].pdf
850.05 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Lack of Mental Capacity. [5-2002].pdf
850.10 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Mutual Mistake of Fact. [2-2022].pdf
850.15 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Undue Influence. [5-2002].pdf
850.20 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Duress. [5-2002].pdf
850.25 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Fraud. [1-2022].pdf
850.30 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Grossly Inadequate Consideration (“Intrinsic Fraud”). [5-2002].pdf
850.35 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Constructive Fraud. [5-2002].pdf
850.40 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Constructive Fraud—Rebuttal by Proof of Openness, Fairness and Honesty. [5-2002].pdf
850.45 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Defense of Innocent Purchaser. [5-2020].pdf
850.50 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Lack of Valid Delivery. [8-2004].pdf
850.55 Deeds—Action to Set Aside—Lack of Legally Adequate Acceptance. [5-2001].pdf

Chapter 1A. Foreclosure Actions

855.10 Foreclosure—Action for Deficiency Judgment—Amount of Debt Owed [4-2016].pdf
855.12 Foreclosure—Action for Deficiency Judgment—Defense of Mortgagor to Defeat and Offset Deficiency Judgment—Property Fairly Worth Amount Owed [4-2016].pdf
855.14 Foreclosure—Action for Deficiency Judgment—Defense of Mortgagor to Defeat and Offset Deficiency Judgment—Bid Substantially Less than True Value of Property on Date of Foreclosure [4-2016].pdf
855.16 Foreclosure—Action for Deficiency Judgment Defense of Mortgagor.pdf
855.18 Foreclosure—Action for Deficiency Judgment—Sample Verdict Form & Judge’s Worksheet [6-2014].pdf

Chapter 2. Wills

860.00 Wills—Introductory Statement by Court. (Optional). [5-2006].pdf
860.05 Wills—Attested Written Will—Requirements. [4-2017].pdf
860.10 Wills—Holographic Wills—Requirements. [5-2019].pdf
860.15 Wills—Issue of Lack of Testamentary Capacity. [4-2017].pdf
860.20 Wills—Issue of Undue Influence. [2-2022].pdf
860.22 Wills—Issue of Duress. [5-2002].pdf
860.25 Wills—Devisavit Vel Non. [5-2001].pdf

Chapter 3. Parol Trusts

865.50 Parol Trusts—Express Trust in Purchased Real or Personal Property. [5-2001].pdf
865.55 Parol Trusts—Express Trust in Transferred Real or Personal Property. [8-2004].pdf
865.60 Parol Trusts—Express Declaration of Trust in Personal Property. [5-2001].pdf
865.65 Trusts by Operation of Law—Purchase Money Resulting Trust (Real or Personal Property). [6-2014].pdf
865.70 Trusts by Operation of Law—Resulting Trust Where Purchase Made with Fiduciary Funds. [6-2014].pdf
865.75 Trusts by Operation of Law—Constructive Trust. [6-2015].pdf

Part VIII. Insurance

Chapter 1. Liability for Agent for Failure to Procure Insurance

870.00 Failure to Procure Insurance—Negligence Issue. [6-2013].pdf
870.10 Failure to Procure Insurance—Breach of Contract Issue. [2-2005].pdf

Chapter 2. Accident, Accidental Means, and Suicide

870.21 “Accident” or “Accidental Means” Issue—Effect of Diseased Condition. [5-2005].pdf
870.25 Accident Issue—Insurance. [2-2005].pdf
870.30 General Risk Life Insurance Policy—Suicide as a Defense. [3-2005].pdf
870.72 Identity Theft—Indentifying Information. [6-2010].pdf
870.73 Identity Theft—IdentifyingPersonal Information. [6-2010].pdf

Chapter 3. Disability

880.00 Disability—Continuous and Total Disability Issue. [3-2005].pdf
880.01 Disability—Continuous Confinement Within Doors Issue. [3-2005].pdf
880.02 Disability—Constant Care of a Licensed Physician Issue. [3-2005].pdf

Chapter 4. Material Misrepresentations

880.14 Misrepresentation in Application for Insurance—Factual Dispute. [5-2005].pdf
880.15 Misrepresentation in Application for Insurance—Issue of Falsity of Representation. [5-2005].pdf
880.20 Materiality of Misrepresentation in Application for Insurance. [5-2006].pdf
880.25 Fire Insurance Policy—Willful Misrepresentation in Application. [5-2005].pdf
880.26 Concealment in Application for Non-Marine Insurance. [5-2005].pdf
880.30 Misrepresentation in Application—False Answer(s) Inserted by Agent. (Estoppel). [5-2006].pdf

Chapter 5. Definitions

Chapter 6. Fire Insurance

910.20 Fire Insurance—Hazard Increased by Insured. [5-2006].pdf
910.25 Fire Insurance—Intentional Burning by Insured. [5-2006].pdf
910.26 Fire Insurance Policy—Willful Misrepresentation in Application. [5-2006].pdf
910.27 Fire Insurance—Defense of Fraudulent Proof of Loss. [5-2006].pdf

Chapter 7. Damages.

910.80 Insurance—Damages for Personal Property—Actual Cash Value. [6-1983].pdf
910.90 Insurance—Damages for Real Property—Actual Cash Value. [6-1983].pdf


999.91 B. DESCRIPTIVE WORD INDEX. (6/2022)