Upcoming courses and conferences

NC Local Health Directors' Legal Conference

The 2025 NC Local Health Directors' Legal Conference will return to its regular schedule and regular location at the UNC School of Government on April 16-17, 2025. Registration and additional information will be posted on the course webpage in early 2025.  

Legal Basics for Human Services Directors and Administrators

The next offering of this course is scheduled for 2024. Registration and additional information will be posted on the course webpage when available. This course is designed to provide leaders in local public health, social services, and consolidated human services agencies with an introduction to key areas of North Carolina law affecting their agencies’ services at the local level. The newly redesigned one-day version of this course supplements the Local Government Fundamentals course, which participants are strongly encouraged to take before or soon after attending Legal Basics.

On-Line Training on Demand

Board of Health Rulemaking Authority

This free training series was developed in collaboration with the NC Institute for Public Health at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. It addresses the rulemaking authority of local boards of health in North Carolina, including limitations on the rulemaking authority and procedural requirements that NC law imposes on the rulemaking process. The training is available through the NCIPH website, at https://sph.unc.edu/nciph/nciph-boh-rulemaking-authority/

Public Health HIPAA Training Modules

These trainings were developed in collaboration with the NC Institute for Public Health at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, with the support of the North Carolina AHEC Program.

HIPAA Training Certification Option: You may download a certificate of completion using the link below. The certificate is provided for the convenience of the learner; verification of completion of the modules cannot be confirmed by the School of Government. 

PDF icon 20241017_SOG_HIPAA_Certification.pdf

Reporting Crimes Against Juveniles to Law Enforcement

On-line module: New legislation requiring reports about juvenile crime victims: Basic information for local health departments

Please note: The module is best viewed in a browser other than Chrome. If you use Chrome, you may experience disruptions in the audio. If that occurs, please try viewing the module in a different browser.

Handout materials for this module:

Archived webinar: New legislation requiring reporting of certain crimes against juveniles: Overview and Q&A opportunity for NC local health departments (December 5, 2019).

Please note: This recording of the December 5 webinar is provided courtesy of the Women's and Children's Health Section, Division of Public Health, N.C. Department of Health & Human Services. Please read these instructions for viewing the recording. If you have questions about the recording, please direct them to Mary Rodgers, Women's and Children's Health Section. 

For a handout version of the webinar slides, click here. For a PDF version of the full-color slides, click here.

Introduction to NC Communicable Disease Control Law

The following modules provide an introduction to North Carolina communicable disease law and the law of isolation and quarantine. They were developed in 2016 in collaboration with the NC Institute for Public Health at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health with the support of the UNC Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center (UNC PERLC), a funded project of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC Cooperative Agreement 1U90TP000415).

Materials from past courses and conferences

Educational materials about legal issues can become outdated as laws change. Please note the dates on these materials. Materials that are more than 5 years old have been archived.

These materials offer information, not legal advice. For legal advice, readers should consult an attorney.

N.C. Local Health Directors' Legal Conference

This course is offered annually in April. The agenda is planned by SOG faculty after consultation with the NC Association of Local Health Directors. 

HIPAA Critical Updates Workshop

This workshop for local health department HIPAA officers was launched in partnership with the North Carolina Public Health HIPAA Alliance and the North Carolina Public Health Association in 2016. Since 2018, the School of Government has partnered with the North Carolina Institute for Public Health, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, and the NC AHEC system to offer this workshop. The online HIPAA instructional modules that were introduced during the 2018 workshop are available on the NC Public Health Law Legal Information Topic Page, HIPAA & Medical Confidentiality.

Materials from other workshops are linked below.

Legal Basics for Human Services Directors & Administrators

This course is offered biennially. 

Nurse Executives' Legal Conference

This annual videoconference was discontinued after 2011. Materials have been archived.

Special Topics Workshops

Special topics workshops are offered periodically on an irregular schedule. When special topics workshops are scheduled, they will be announced at the top of this page, under the heading "Upcoming courses and conferences." Materials from previous workshops have been archived.