Rethinking Higher Education?

Published for Community and Economic Development (CED) on March 04, 2014.
There are calls from many quarters to reform higher education and make it more accessible, affordable, and relevant in the dynamic, global economy of the 21st century.  A recent study produced jointly by the Lumina Foundation and Gallup reinforces this theme.  The study reports the results from both a general poll of public opinion and a targeted survey of U.S. business leaders.   The findings provide some interesting perspectives on many of the critical issues currently facing higher education:
  • The importance of having a post-secondary degree or credential.
  • How well prepared graduates are to succeed in the workforce and meet employer needs.
  • The quality of online degree programs relative to traditional ones.
  • Employer preferences for hiring candidates with degrees from online institutions.
  • The relative importance of where a candidate went to school versus the knowledge and skills she or he possesses.
  • The affordability of higher education.
  • Rising student loan debt for undergraduates.
To access the full report, click here.
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