Image of Jonathan Q. Morgan

Jonathan Q. Morgan

Professor of Public Administration and Government

Jonathan Q. Morgan is a professor of public administration and government at the School of Government. He teaches, advises public officials, and conducts applied research on economic development. Morgan's research has focused on industry cluster-based development, the role of local government in economic development, business incentives, development impact analysis, and innovative, homegrown approaches to job creation. Morgan directs the School's Basic Economic Development Course, which is accredited by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC).

He joined the School of Government in 2003. Morgan's articles have been published in leading journals such as Economic Development Quarterly, Policy Studies Journal, and Community Development. 

Previously, he worked for Regional Technology Strategies, Inc., an economic and workforce development consulting firm. He has also served as director of economic policy and research for the North Carolina Department of Commerce, and research and policy director for the NC Institute of Minority Economic Development.

Morgan holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Virginia, an MPA from Clark Atlanta University, and a Ph.D. in public administration from North Carolina State University. 


Selected Publications

Morgan, Jonathan Q., Michele Hoyman, and Jamie McCall. 2019. Everything but the Kitchen Sink? Factors Associated with Local Economic Development Strategy Use. Economic Development Quarterly, 33(4): 1-12.

Morgan, Jonathan Q., and Crystal Morphis. 2017. Defining Success in Business Retention and Expansion: What do Economic Development Organizations Measure and Why? Community Development 48(2): 299-316.

Morgan, Jonathan Q. 2016. A Collaborative Approach to Innovation-Based Economic Development: The Triple Helix. In Problem-Solving with the Private Sector: A Public Solutions Handbook, edited by Daniel Bromberg, 103-126. New York and London: Routledge.

Morgan, Jonathan Q. 2016. Economic Development Handbook, 4th Edition. North Carolina Economic Development Association and UNC School of Government.

Morgan, Jonathan Q. Regional Clusters and Jobs for Inner City Workers: The Case of Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics. 2012.  Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society vol. 43, no. 4: 492-511.

Morgan, Jonathan Q., and Ammons, David. State-of-the-Art Measures in Economic Development.  Public Management (PM), vol. 93, no. 5, June 2011.

Morgan, Jonathan Q. Governance, Policy Innovation, and Local Economic Development in North Carolina. 2010.  Policy Studies Journal vol. 38, no. 4: 679-702.

Morgan, Jonathan Q. Analyzing the Benefits and Costs of Economic Development Projects, Community and Economic Development Bulletin, No. 7, April 2010.

Morgan, Jonathan Q. Optimizing the Use of Economic Development Incentives, Municipal Lawyer, vol. 51, no. 1, 2010.

Additional Publications

Book Chapters

Community Development and Affordable Housing, Chapter 8 (with Anita Brown-Graham), in Managing Local Government Services, Carl Stenberg, ed., International City/County Management Association, 2006.

Articles, Monographs, and Bulletins  

State-of-the-Art Measures in Economic Development (with David Ammons).  Public Management (PM), vol. 93, no. 5, June 2011.

Small Towns, Big Ideas: Local Ingredients for Innovation in Rural Economic Development (with Will Lambe).  Rural Research Report (Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs), vol. 21, no. 3, Winter 2010.

The Role of Local Government in Economic Development: Survey Findings from North Carolina.  Special Report published by the UNC School of Government, 2009.

Find a Way or Make One: Lessons Learned from Case Studies of Small Town Economic Development (with Will Lambe). Economic Development Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, 2009.

Homegrown Responses to Economic Uncertainty in Rural America (with Will Lambe and Allan Freyer). Rural Realities, vol. 3, no. 2, 2009.

Using Economic Development Incentives: For Better or for Worse.  Popular Government, vol. 74, no. 2, 2009, 14 pages.

Questions about Tax Increment Financing in North Carolina (with Joseph Blocher). Community and Economic Development (CED) Bulletin, No. 5, August 2008.

Clusters and Competitive Advantage: Finding a Niche in the New Economy, Popular Government, Spring/Summer 2004, vol. 69, no. 3.

Legislative Action in Community and Economic Development (with Anita Brown-Graham). Community and Economic Development Bulletin, No. 2, 2004.

Refereed Academic Articles

Governance, Policy Innovation, and Local Economic Development in North Carolina. 2010.  Policy Studies Journal vol. 38, no. 4: 679-702.

The Relationship between Industry Clusters and Metropolitan Economic Growth and Equality.  2007.  International Journal of Economic Development 9(4): 307-375.

Fields of Expertise
Economic Development
Public Administration
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