
North Carolina Pattern Jury Instructions

North Carolina Pattern Jury Instructions for Motor Vehicle Cases

000.20 Table of Contents [2024 ed].pdf
001 Green Sheet [2023].pdf
001.00 Introduction [6-2024].pdf
002.00 Guide to Use of This Book [4-1986].pdf
003 Table of Contents [2023].pdf
003.00 Significant New Developments Affecting Jury Instructions.pdf

Part I. General

Chapter 1. Preliminary Instructions

100.00Model Motor Vehicle Negligence Charge and Verdict Sheet. (6/15)
100.10Opening Statement. (12/04)
100.15Cameras and Microphones in Courtroom. (5/04)
100.20Recesses. (6/10)
100.21Recesses. (6/10)
100.43Deposition Testimony. (5/04)
100.44Interrogatories. (12/04)
100.70Taking of Notes By Jurors. (5/04)
101.00Admonition to the Trial Judge on Stating the Evidence and Relating the Law to the Evidence. (10/85)
101.05Function of the Jury. (3/94)
101.10Burden of Proof and Greater Weight of the Evidence. (3/94)
101.14Judicial Notice. (10/83)
101.15Credibility of Witness. (3/94)
101.20Weight of the Evidence. (3/94)
101.25Testimony of Expert Witness. (2/94)
101.30Testimony of Interested Witness. (3/94)
101.32Evidence—Limitation as to Parties. (10/83)
101.33Evidence—Limitation as to Purpose. (10/83)
101.35Impeachment or Corroboration by Prior Statement. (5/92)
101.36Impeachment of a Party or Witness by Proof of Crime. (4/86)
101.37Evidence Relating to the Character Trait of a Witness (Including a Party) for Truthfulness. (4/86)
101.39Evidence—Spoilation by a party. (5/01)
101.40Photograph, Videotape, Motion Pictures, X-Ray, Other Pictorial Representations, Maps, Models, Charts—Illustrative and Substantive Evidence. (10/85)
101.41Stipulations. (1/88)
101.42Requests for Admission. (1/88)
101.43Deposition Evidence. (4/88)
101.45Circumstantial Evidence. (10/85)
101.46(MB)Definition of [Intent] [Intentionally]. (5/04)
101.50Duty to Recall the Evidence. (3/94)
101.60Issues. (3/94)
101.62Presumptions. (4/84)
101.65Peremptory Instruction. (8/82)

Chapter 2. Negligence Issue

102.10 Negligence Issue--Burden of Proof. [5-1994].pdf
102.10A Negligence Issue—Stipulation of Negligence. [5-2009].pdf
102.11 Negligence Issue--Definition of Common Law Negligence. [6-2018].pdf
102.12 Negligence Issue--Definition of Negligence in and of Itself (Negligence Per Se). [5-1994].pdf
102.13 Negligence of Minor Between Seven and Fourteen Years of Age. [6-2018].pdf
102.13A Negligence of a Minor Between Fourteen and Sixteen Years of Age. [5-1994].pdf
102.14 Negligence Issue--No Duty to Anticipate Negligence of Others. [5-1994].pdf
102.15 Negligence Issue--Doctrine of Sudden Emergency. [2-2022].pdf
102.16 Negligence Issue--Sudden Emergency Exception to Negligence Per Se.[2-2022].pdf
102.19 Proximate Cause—Definition; Multiple Causes. [5-2009].pdf
102.20 Proximate Cause--Peculiar Susceptibility. [4-1998].pdf
102.21 'No Contact' Rule. [5-1973].pdf
102.22 Proximate Cause%-Activation/Aggravation.pdf
102.24 Proximate Cause--'No Contact Rule.' [5-1993].pdf
102.25 Negligence Per Se--Violation of Safety Statute or Ordinance. [5-1993].pdf
102.26 Proximate Cause--Act of God. [5-1994].pdf
102.27 Proximate Cause--Concurring Acts of Negligence. [5-2005].pdf
102.28 Proximate Cause--Insulating Acts of Negligence. (Delete Sheet)[6-2010].pdf
102.30 Proximate Cause--Defense of Sudden Incapacitation. [2-2000].pdf
102.35 (Delete Sheet) (5-94) Contentions of Negligence. [3-1994].pdf
102.50 Final Mandate--Negligence Issue. [3-1994].pdf
102.60 Concurring Negligence. [5-2005].pdf
102.65 Insulating-Intervening Negligence. [6-2020].pdf
102.68 Negligence of Owner Entrusting Motor Vehicle to Incompetent, Careless or Reckless Person. [6-2011].pdf
102.70 'Dram Shop' Liability--Statutory--Sale or Furnishing of Alcoholic Beverage to Underage Person. [4-2004].pdf
102.75 'Dram Shop' Liability--Statutory--Right of Action Lost by Aiding or Abetting Sale or Furnishing. [1-1994].pdf
102.81 'Dram Shop' Liability--Common Law--Sale or Furnishing to Intoxicated Person. [1-1994].pdf
102.83 Common Law Liability for Providing Imparing Substance to Person Expected to Drive. [6-2010].pdf
102.84 Negligence--Infliction of Severe Emotional Distress. [6-2018].pdf
102.85 Willful or Wanton Conduct Issue ('Gross Negligence'). [5-1997].pdf
102.86 Willful or Wanton Conduct Issue ('Gross Negligence')--Used to Defeat Contributory Negligence. [12-2003].pdf
102.87 Willful or Wanton Conduct Issue ('Gross Negligence')--Defense of.pdf
102.90 Contributory Willful or Wanton Conduct by Plaintiff. (3-94) Negligence Issue--Joint Conduct--Multiple Tortfeasors. [3-1994].pdf
102.95 Intentional or Reckless Infliction of Severe Emotional Distress. [5-1991].pdf
102.97 Action for Loss of Consortium. [5-2000].pdf

Chapter 3. Agency and Derivative Liability

103.00 Agency—Preface [2023].pdf
103.10 Agency Issue—Burden of Proof—When Principal Is Liable [2023].pdf
103.15 Independent Contractor. [5-1992].pdf
103.25 Agency—Lent--Servant Doctrine [2023].pdf
103.40 Ownership of Vehicle as Prima Facie Evidence of Agency [2023].pdf
103.41 Identification of Driver. [4-1989].pdf
103.45 Registration as Prima Facie Evidence of Ownership and Agency [2023].pdf
103.50 Agency--Departure from Employment. [10-1985].pdf
103.55 Agency--Willful and Intentional Injury Inflicted by an Agent. [10-1985].pdf
103.60 Agency--Use of Agent's Own Vehicle. [10-1985].pdf
103.61 Agency--Use of Motor Vehicle by Transferee of Agent [2023].pdf
103.65 Agency--Riders in Principal's Vehicle. [10-1985].pdf
103.70 Final Mandate--Agency Issue. [10-1985].pdf
103.75 Agency--Family Purpose Issue. [10-1985].pdf
103.80 Financial Responsibility—Express or Implied Permission-Use of Motor Vehicle[2023].pdf

Chapter 4. Contributory Negligence Issue

104.10 Contributory Negligence Issue--Burden of Proof--Definition. [6-2018].pdf
104.20 Contributory Negligence--Gratuitous Passenger or Guest. [10-1985].pdf
104.21 Contributory Negligence Per Se--Gratuitous Passenger Voluntarily and Knowingly Riding With Impaired Driver. [6-2010].pdf
104.24 Contributory Negligence Per Se--Pedestrian's Violation of Certain Motor Vehicle Laws. [11-1979].pdf
104.25 Contributory Negligence of Minor Between Seven and Fourteen Years of Age. [6-2018].pdf
104.30 Contributory Negligence--No Duty to Anticipate Negligence of Others. [6-1989].pdf
104.35 Contentions of Contributory Negligence. [3-1994].pdf
104.40 Contributory Negligence--Doctrine of Sudden Emergency. [5-2008].pdf
104.50 Final Mandate--Contributory Negligence Issue. [3-1994].pdf

Chapter 5. Last Clear Chance.

105.15 Last Clear Chance--Burden of Proof; Definition; Final Mandate. [5-2020].pdf

Chapter 6. Damage Claims by Plaintiffs

106 and 109 Series Reorganization Notice-Damages (5-2000).pdf
106.00 Personal Injury Damages - Issue of Burden of Proof.pdf
106.02 Personal Injury Damages--In General. [5-2000].pdf
106.04 Personal Injury Damages--Medical Expenses. [6-2013].pdf
106.06 Personal Injury Damages--Loss of Earnings. [5-2000].pdf
106.08 Personal Injury Damages--Pain & Suffering. [5-2006].pdf
106.10 Personal Injury Damages--Scarring or Disfigurement. [1-2005].pdf
106.12 Personal Injury Damages--Loss (of Use) of Part of the Body. [12-2004].pdf
106.14 Personal Injury Damages--Permanent Injury. [6-2015].pdf
106.16 Personal Injury Damages--Future Worth in Present Value. [5-2000].pdf
106.18 Personal Injury Damages--Set Off-Deduction of Workers' Compensation Award. [5-2000].pdf
106.19 Personal Injury Damages--Jury to Consider Only Matters in Evidence. [4-2000].pdf
106.20 Personal Injury Damages--Final Mandate (Regular). [5-2000].pdf
106.22 Personal Injury Damages--Final Mandate (Per Diem Argument by Counsel). [5-2000].pdf
106.24 Personal Injury Damages--Defense of Mitigation. [6-2014].pdf
106.26 Loss of Future Earning Capacity Where the Plaintiff has no Employment of Past Employment at the Time of the Accident. (Delete Sheet). [4-2000].pdf
106.30 Personal Injury Damages--Loss of Consortium. [4-2000].pdf
106.32 Personal Injury Damages--Parent's Claim for Negligent Injury to Minor Child. [4-2000].pdf
106.40 Wrongful Death Damages. [4-2000].pdf
106.41 Wrongful Death Damages--Set Off-Deduction of Workers' Compensation Award. [5-2000].pdf
106.42 Wrongful Death Damages--In General. [1-2000].pdf
106.44 Wrongful Death Damages--Medical Expenses. [6-2013].pdf
106.46 Wrongful Death Damages--Pain and Suffering. [1-2000].pdf
106.48 Wrongful Death Damages--Funeral Expenses. [6-2013].pdf
106.50 Wrongful Death Damages--Present Monetary Value of Deceased to Next-of-Kin. [1-2000].pdf
106.54 Wrongful Death Damages--Final Mandate (Regular). [1-2000].pdf
106.56 Wrongful Death Damages--Final Mandate (Per Diem Argument by Counsel). [1-2000].pdf
106.60 Property Damages--Issue and Burden of Proof. [4-2017].pdf
106.62 Property Damages--Diminution in Market Value. [5-2000].pdf
106.64 Property Damages No Market Value--Cost of Replacement or Repair. [5-2000].pdf
106.66 Property Damages--No Market Value, Repair or Replacement-- Recovery of Intrinsic Actual Value. [5-2000].pdf
106.67 Damages for Loss of Use of Vehicle--Measure of Damages; Final Mandate. [5-2017].pdf
106.68 Property Damages--Final Mandate. [5-2000].pdf
106.90 Punitive Damages--Issue of Existence of Outrageous or Aggravated Conduct. [5-1996].pdf
106.91 Punitive Damages--Issue of Existence of Malicious, Willful or Wanton, or Grossly Negligent Conduct--Wrongful Death Cases. [5-1997].pdf
106.92 Punitive Damages--Insurance Company's Bad Faith Refusal to Settle a Claim. [5-1996].pdf
106.93 Punitive Damages--Insurance Company's Bad Faith Refusal to Settle a Claim. [5-1996].pdf
106.94 Punitive Damages--Issue of Whether to Make Award and Amount. (Special Cases). [5-1996].pdf
106.96 Punitive Damages--Liability of Defendant. [8-2004].pdf
106.98 Punitive Damages--Issue of Whether to Make Award and Amount. [5-1996].pdf

Chapter 7. Consolidated with Chapter 6 (5-2000]
Chapter 8. Consolidated with Chapter 6 (5-2000)

Chapter 9. Plaintiff’s Negligence

108.10 Issue of Plaintiff's Negligence (Counterclaim)--Burden of Proof; Definition; Contentions of Negligence. [6-1993].pdf
108.50 Final Mandate--Issue of Plaintiff's Negligence (Counterclaim). [6-1993].pdf
108.75 Negligence of Third Party Tort Feasor--Contribution. [1-1987].pdf

Chapter 10. Damage Claims by Defendants

109.00 Defendant's Personal Injury Damages (Counterclaim)--Issue and Burden of Proof. [5-2000].pdf
109.02 Defendant's Personal Injury Damages (Counterclaim)--In General. [5-2000].pdf
109.19 Defendant's Personal Injury Damages (Counterclaim)--Jury to Consider Only Matters in Evidence. [4-2000].pdf
109.20 Defendant's Personal Injury Damages (Counterclaim)--Final Mandate (Regular). [5-2000].pdf
109.22 Defendant's Personal Injury Damages (Counterclaim)--Final Mandate (Per Diem Argument by Counsel). [5-2000].pdf
109.60 Defendant's Property Damages (Counterclaim)--Issue and Burden of Proof. [5-2000].pdf
109.62 Defendant's Property Damages (Counterclaim)--Diminution in Market Value. [5-2000].pdf
109.64 Defendant's Property Damages (Counterclaim)--No Market Value--Cost of Replacement of Repair. [5-2000].pdf
109.66 Defendant's Property Damages (Counterclaim)--No Market Value,.pdf
109.67 Repair or Replacement--Recovery of Intrinsic Actual Value. (5-00) Defendant's Property Damages-- Loss of Use of Vehicle. [5-2000].pdf
109.68 Defendant's Property Damages (Counterclaim)--Final Mandate. [5-2000].pdf

Chapter 11. Consolidated with Chapter 10. (5/00)

Chapter 12. Summary Instructions

150.10 Jury Should Consider All Contentions. [3-1994].pdf
150.12 Jury Should Render Verdict Based on Fact, Not Consequences. [3-1994].pdf
150.20 The Court Has No Opinion. [3-1994].pdf
150.30 Verdict Must Be Unanimous. [3-1994].pdf
150.40 Selection of Foreperson. [3-1994].pdf
150.45 Concluding Instructions--When to Begin Deliberations, Charge Conference. [3-1994].pdf
150.50 Failure of Jury to Reach Verdict. [10-1980].pdf
150.60 Discharging the Jury. [5-1988].pdf

Part II. Specific Acts of Negligence

Chapter 1. Lookout and Control

201.20 Reasonable Lookout. [6-1993].pdf
201.30 Proper Control. [6-1993].pdf
201.31 Proper Control--Skidding Vehicles [2-1989].pdf

Chapter 2. Speed Restrictions

202.10 Speed Restrictions—Reasonable and Prudent [5-2009].pdf
202.15 Speed Restrictions--Speed Zones. [3-1994].pdf
202.20A Speed Restrictions--Failure to Reduce Speed. [5-1988].pdf
202.40 Speed Restrictions—School and School Activity Buses. [6-2010].pdf
202.60 Speed Limitations on Bridges, Causeways and Viaducts. [5-1988].pdf
202.80 Speed Limit Not Applicable--Emergency Vehicles. [11-1996].pdf
202.81 Speed Limit Not Applicable--Emergency Vehicles--Willful or Wanton Conduct--('Gross Negligence'). [12-2003].pdf
202.85 Driving Too Slowly--No Prescribed Minimum Speed. [5-1988].pdf
202.90 Driving Too Slowly--Prescribed Minimum Speeds. [5-1988].pdf

Chapter 3. Right-of-Way; Railroad Crossings

203.05 Right-of-Way--Traffic Circle. [4-1989].pdf
203.06 Right-of-Way--Vehicles Approaching Intersection at Approximately the Same Time. [4-1989].pdf
203.07 Right-of-Way--One Vehicle Intending to Turn Left at Intersection. [6-1989].pdf
203.08 Right-of-Way--One Vehicle Intending to Turn Left at Alley, Private Road or Driveway. [6-1989].pdf
203.10 Stop Sign Violation. [5-2006].pdf
203.15 Stop Sign Violation--Duty of Driver on Starting from Stopped Position. [6-1989].pdf
203.20 Stop Sign Violation--Duty of Driver on Dominant Highway. [6-1989].pdf
203.25 Right-of-Way of Operator on Servient Street When Entering Intersection After Stopping. [6-1989].pdf
203.28 Yield Right-of-Way Signs. [6-1989].pdf
203.29 Entering Highway from Private Road or Drive. [6-1989].pdf
203.30 Vehicle Control Signals at Intersections. [5-2008].pdf
203.31 Signal Lights other than at Intersections. [5-2008].pdf
203.50 Railway Crossings--Stop Sign. [6-1989].pdf
203.51 Railroad Warning Signals Must Be Obeyed. [6-1989].pdf
203.55 Railroad Crossings--Buses and Trucks. [6-1989].pdf
203.56 Railroad Crossing--Railroad's Duty of Care--Duty to Keep Lookout; Duty to Give Warning. [4-1990].pdf
203.57 Railroad Crossing--Railroad's Duty of Care--Duty to Provide Special Warning at Extra Hazardous Crossings. [4-1990].pdf
203.57A Railroad Crossing--Railroad's Duty of Care--Duty of Railroad to Operate and Maintain Existing Crossing Signals. [5-1990].pdf
203.58 Railroad Crossing--Railroad's Duty of Care--Duty to Maintain Crossings. [5-1990].pdf
203.58A Railroad Crossing--Railroad's Duty of Care--Duty of Railroad as to Obstructions. [5-1990].pdf
203.59 Operator's Duty of Care at Railroad Crossings. [5-1990].pdf

Chapter 4. Stopping on Highway

203.60 Stopping on Shoulder of Highway. [6-2011].pdf
203.60A Stopping on Shoulder of Highway. [6-2011].pdf
203.65 Stopping on Highway or Bridge. [6-2011].pdf
203.65A Stopping on Highway or Bridge, Posted Speed Limit Less Than 45 Miles Per Hour. [6-2011].pdf
203.65B Stopping on Highway or Bridge, Posted Speed Limit Greater Than 45 Miles Per Hour. [6-2011].pdf
203.66 Stopping on Highway--Disabled Trucks, Truck Trailers or Semitrailers. [2-1989].pdf
203.70 Parking on Highways--Lighting Required. [2-1989].pdf
203.71 Night Parking on Highways--Bright Lights Prohibited. [2-1989].pdf
203.75 Motor Vehicles Left Unattended--Setting Parking Brakes, Etc. [4-1989].pdf

Chapter 5. Proper Lane

204.09 Duty to Drive In Proper Lane. [12-1988].pdf
204.10 Duty to Drive on Right Side--Four or More Lanes. [2-1989].pdf
204.15 General Duty to Drive on Right Side and Exceptions. [2-1989].pdf
204.17 Duty to Keep to the Right in Crossing Intersections or Railroads. [3-1989].pdf
204.20 Duty to Drive in Right Lane at Slow Speeds. [2-1989].pdf
204.25 Driving to the Left of Center on Hillcrest or Curve. (Delete Sheet). [6-2007].pdf
204.51 Operation of Motorcycles--Driving More Than Two Abreast. [2-1989].pdf
204.52 Operation of Motorcycles--Entitlement to Full Use of a Lane. [2-1989].pdf
204.80 One-Way Traffic. [2-1989].pdf

Chapter 6. Following and Passing

205.10 Meeting of Vehicles. [6-1989].pdf
205.30 Following Too Closely. [2-1989].pdf
205.32 Following Too Closely--Overtaking Vehicle. [2-1989].pdf
205.50 Overtaking and Passing on Two-Lane Highway. [2-2020].pdf
205.51 Overtaking and Passing When Prohibited by Signs, Markers, or Markings (Delete Sheet). (6-2007).pdf
205.55 Driver to Give Way to Overtaking Vehicle. [2-1989].pdf
205.60 Passing on Right Prohibited; Exceptions. [2-1989].pdf
205.65 Common Law Duty to Sound Horn in Passing. [2-1989].pdf
205.70 Passing Horses or Other Draft Animals. [2-1989].pdf
205.80 Duty to Dim Headlights. [2-1989].pdf

Chapter 7. Backing Vehicle and Turn Signals

205.90 Backing of Vehicles. [2-1989].pdf
206.10 Signal on Starting, Stopping or Turning--Another Vehicle Affected. [2-1989].pdf

Chapter 8. Reckless Driving and Driving While Impaired

207.10 Reckless Driving. [4-1989].pdf
208.10 Driving While Impaired. [6-2009].pdf

Chapter 9. Turning

209.10 Turning--Right Turn. [4-1989].pdf
209.15 Turning at Intersection--Left Turn. [4-1989].pdf
209.20 Turning at Intersection--Controlled by Buttons, Markers, or Other Direction Signs. [4-1989].pdf

Chapter 10. Emergency Vehicles

210.10 Right-of-Way of Emergency Vehicles--Duty of Driver of Emergency Vehicle. [4-1989].pdf
210.15 Emergency Vehicles--Duty of Driver of Non-Emergency Vehicle. [6-2007].pdf
210.25 Emergency Vehicles--Interference with Fire Equipment [6-2007].pdf
210.30 Emergency Vehicles--Chasing Firetrucks (Inside City Limits). [6-2007].pdf
210.31 Emergency Vehicles--Chasing Firetrucks (Outside City Limits). [6-2007].pdf
210.35 Emergency Vehicles--Interference With Fire Equipment. [4-1989].pdf
210.40 Emergency Vehicles--Parking Within 100 Feet of Emergency Vehicle. [6-2007].pdf
210.41 Emergency Vehicles--Approaching Parked or Standing Authorized. Emergency Vehicles (effective before July 1, 2006). [6-2007] Emergency Vehicles--Approaching Parked or Standing Authorized.pdf
210.42 Emergency Vehicles or Public Service Vehicle (effective July 1, 2006). [6-2013].pdf

Chapter 11. Pedestrians

211.01 Motorist's Duty Toward Pedestrian--Intersection or Other Appropriate Place With Special Pedestrian Control Signals. [4-1989].pdf
211.10 Motorists's Duty Toward Pedestrian--Crosswalk or Intersection. [2-2022].pdf
211.20 Duty of Following Motorist When Vehicle Has Stopped for Pedestrian. [4-1989].pdf
211.30 Pedestrian--Crossing At Intersection or Other Appropriate Place With Special Pedestrian Control Signals. [6-1989].pdf
211.35 Pedestrian--Crossing At Intersection With Vehicular Traffic Control Signals. [6-1989].pdf
211.36 Pedestrian--Crossing At Places With Vehicular Traffic Control Signals Other Than at Intersections. [6-1989].pdf
211.40 Pedestrian--Crossing at Other Than Crosswalks. [6-1989].pdf
211.40A Motorist's Duty toward Pedestrian--Crossing at Other Than Crosswalks. [5-2020].pdf
211.45 Pedestrian Duty to Walk to Left of Highway and Yield Right-of-Way. [6-1989].pdf
211.45A Motorist's Duty to Pedestrian--Walking on Highway. [6-1989].pdf
211.46 Motorist's Duty Toward Pedestrian--Turning at Intersection with Vehicular Traffic Control Signals. [5-2008].pdf
211.50 Pedestrian--Standing, Sitting or Lying Upon Highway. [6-1989].pdf
211.55 Hitchhiker--Pedestrians Soliciting Rides. [6-1989].pdf
211.56 Pedestrians--Standing or Loitering on Highways; Soliciting Employment, Business or Contributions. [6-1989].pdf
211.70 Right-of-Way of Blind Pedestrians With White Canes or Guide Dogs. [6-1989].pdf
211.75 Pedestrians--Duty of Lookout--Pedestrians With Right-of-Way. [6-1989].pdf
211.76 Pedestrians--Duty of Lookout--Pedestrians Without Right-of-Way. [6-1989].pdf
211.80 Children (Including Those on Bicycles) on Highways and Streets. [6-1989].pdf
211.82 Children—Transporting Children in Open Bed of Vehicle. [5-2009].pdf

Chapter 12. Speed Competition

213.10 Racing and Speed Competition. [5-1988].pdf

Chapter 13. Required Equipment

215.10 Required Lighting Equipment--Ordinary Motor Vehicles—Headlights and Taillights. [6-1989].pdf
215.11 Required Lighting Equipment--Ordinary Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles--Stoplights. [6-1989].pdf
215.15 Required Lighting Equipment--Motorcycles--Nighttime. [10-1988].pdf
215.16 Required Lighting Equipment--Motorcycles--Daytime. [10-1988].pdf
215.20 Required Lighting Equipment--Bicycles. [10-1988].pdf
215.25 Flag or Light at End of Load. [6-2010].pdf
215.30 Requirement of Safety Glass for Motor Vehicles. [6-1989].pdf
215.31 Windshield and Window Requirements. [2-2020].pdf
215.35 Inside Mirrors--Most Motor Vehicles. [10-1988].pdf
215.36 Mirrors--Pickup Trucks. [10-1988].pdf
215.37 Mirrors--When Inside Mirror Would Be Ineffective. [10-1988].pdf
215.38 Outside Mirrors--Most Motor Vehicles, Including Motorcycles. [10-1988].pdf
215.40 Tires--Safety Requirements N.C. Gen. Stat. 20-122.1(a) [6-2010].pdf
215.40A Tires—Safety Requirements. N.C. Gen. Stat. 20-122.1(a1) [6-2010].pdf
215.50 Overloading or Overcrowding Motor Vehicles Prohibited. [10-1988].pdf
215.55 Motorcycles--Overcrowding; Helmets. [10-1988].pdf
215.60 Securing Loads--Open Flat Trucks. [4-1989].pdf
215.65 Towed Vehicles--Attachment; Snaking. [10-1988].pdf
215.70 Vehicle Transporting Explosives Before June 24, 1985. [10-1988].pdf
215.71 Vehicle Transporting Explosives After June 24, 1985. [10-1988].pdf
215.75 Steering Mechanism. [10-1988].pdf
215.80 Brakes--Most Motor Vehicles. [10-1988].pdf
215.81 Brakes--Motorcycles. [10-1988].pdf
215.82 Brakes--Trucks and Tractor-Trucks. [10-1988].pdf
215.83 Brakes--Towed Vehicles. [10-1988].pdf

Chapter 14. Stop at Scene of Accident

217.10 Duty to Stop and Render Aid at Scene of Accident. [5-2009].pdf

Chapter 15. School Buses

218.10 Stopping for School and Other Buses Transporting Children (or Senior Citizens). [5-2006].pdf
218.11 Stopping for School and Other Buses Transporting Children (or Senior Citizens). [5-2006].pdf
218.50 Receiving or Discharging School Bus Passengers. [6-1989].pdf

Chapter 16. Operating Vehicle Without License

220.10 Operation of Vehicle Without a Class 'C' License--Under Age. [6-1989].pdf
220.20 Knowingly Permitting One to Operate a Vehicle Without a License—General Provision. [6-1989].pdf
220.21 Permitting Unlicensed Minor to Drive. [6-1989].pdf

Chapter 17. Interstate Highway Violations

221.10 Controlled-Access Highway--Crossing Central Dividing Line. [4-1989].pdf
221.15 Controlled-Access Highway--Turns. [4-1989].pdf
221.20 Controlled-Access Highway--Driving in Improper Lane, Wrong Way. [4-1989].pdf
221.25 Controlled-Access Highway--Entering and Exiting. [4-1989].pdf
221.30 Controlled-Access Highway--Stopping on Right-of-Way. [4-1989].pdf
221.35 Controlled-Access Highway--Failure to Yield Right-of-Way. [4-1989].pdf

Chapter 18. Miscellaneous Acts of Negligence

225.10 Location of Video Monitors and Screens in Motor Vehicles. [6-2010].pdf
225.11 Driving While Texting. [6-2013].pdf
225.13 Commercial Motor Vehicle—Driving While Using A Mobile Telephone Or.pdf
225.20 Other Electronic Device. (6-13) Coasting Prohibited. [10-1988].pdf
225.22 Driving Through Safety Zone. [4-1989].pdf
225.23 Driving on Sidewalks. [4-1989].pdf
225.35 Persons Riding Animals and Drivers of Animal-Drawn Vehicles. [6-1989].pdf
225.37 Special Acts of Negligence--Moped Operator (Under Age). [6-2010].pdf


999.20 Definitions from the Motor Vehicle Code.pdf
999.30 Table of Statutes.pdf
999.40 Index [2022].pdf