Office of Business and Finance
How to Reimburse a Non-UNC Employee for Travel Expenses
Overview: When a non-employee, such as a interview candidate or a participant in an SOG hosted event travels, the SOG may reimburse the traveler for mileage, lodging, per diems, and other related travel expenses. Meals and mileage are reimbursed at rates established by the University, and all receipts of expenses incurred during travel should be submitted via ticketing system.
Step by Step Process:
When travel is scheduled (at least 10 business days prior to travel):
- Create a request in the Business Office ticketing system for non-employee travel reimbursement, including the travelers name, email address, and dates of travel. Airfare can be purchased via the University's travel agent, and paid for directly by the University. If airfare is required, reach out to the Business Office as soon as possible to coordinate the request.
- The traveler will be prompted to register in UNC's vendor portal (PaymentWorks). Enrollment in PaymentWorks is required before any reimbursements can be issued. Travelers will be required to provide a W-9 and banking information, as all reimbursements are paid via direct deposit.
- Communicate to traveler the following reimbursement policies:
- Meals will be reimbursed using federal per diem rates, which depend on dates of travel and location.
- Mileage is reimbursed at $0.70/ mile up to 350 miles, and $0.35 after 350 miles. A map is required for reimbursement.
- Other expenses, including car rentals, ride services, parking, etc. will require itemized receipts to be approved for reimbursement.
- No alcohol will be reimbursed.
After travel is completed, within 10 days:
- Collect the
SOG Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement Form and all receipts from the traveler
- Review the form and sign as the department approver
- Submit the form and all receipts to the Business Office Ticketing System. In the description area of your ticket, please provide any additional relevant details or special requests. The ticket should also include the appropriate Course Code, Program Code, or Project ID related to the travel or the event.
Once the Business Office has received the request and paperwork, within 2 business days we will:
- Review the paperwork for completeness and accuracy and let you know if any additional information is needed.
Within 5 business days we will:
- Enter travel reimbursement for reimbursement.
- Once approved, the traveler will receive payment directly to his or her bank account.
More Information:
- Relevant University Policy: How to Travel at UNC-Chapel Hill
- Questions? Contact Anitra Jones at ajones@sog.unc.edu