Local Government Purchasing and Contracting
Certifications and Organizations
The North Carolina Association of Governmental Purchasing (NCAGP) offers a professional certification known as the Certified Local Government Purchasing Officer (CLGPO) certification. NCAGP members are employees of state or local governments in North Carolina whose duties consist of purchasing materials, supplies, apparatus, equipment, or contractual services. NCAGP co-sponsors School of Government programs offered throughout the year on topics of interest to state and local government employees involved in purchasing and contracting. For information about becoming a member of NCAGP, learn more here.
Eligibility and Requirements: See this publication for all CLGPO requirements and instructions for completing the application process: CLGPO Requirements - Revised 2017.pdf . Generally speaking, to be eligible for certification, an applicant must:
- have at least 3 years of experience in the governmental purchasing profession;
- be a member of NCAGP;
- complete four core courses offered by the School of Government (click here for core courses);
- earn 22 points through activities such as training, conference attendance, service to NCAGP, and higher education, and
- pass a certification examination administered by the School of Government.
NEXT CLGPO EXAM: The exam will be held online in February 2026. Exam applications must be approved by the CLGPO Certification Committee for applicants to sit for the exam. Email faculty lead Crista Cuccaro at cuccaro@sog.unc.edu with any questions regarding the CLGPO exam. There will be an exam review session, location to be determined, in February 2026.
Certified Economic Inclusion Officer (CEIO) Certification
The North Carolina Minority and Women Business Enterprise Coordinators' Network offers a certification program for public supplier diversity professionals called the Certified Economic Inclusion Officer (CEIO) program. Individuals seeking CEIO certification must take three core courses from the UNC School of Government, pass a certification exam administered by the UNC School of Government, be a member of the Network, have at least two years of experience in the public supplier diversity profession, attend a Network conference, and gain 100 certification points in specified professional education topics. Individuals who achieve CEIO certification will have knowledge, skills, and abilities in the development and administration of MWBE, HUB, and DBE programs in the State of North Carolina, public procurement laws, skills in communication and advocacy, and knowledge of economic development at the local level. To learn more, visit the Network's certification page.
The core courses required for CEIO certification and offered by the UNC School of Government are (1) Minority Participation Programs and Public Contracting, (2) Basic Principles of Local Government Purchasing, and (3) Contracting for Construction and Design Services.
NEXT CEIO EXAM: The next CEIO examination will be in Fall 2025. Details will be released when they are available.
Other Certifications
NIGP, through the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC), offers the Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO) certification and the Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) certification. To learn more about these certifications, visit the NIGP's certification webpage and the UPPCC's website.
Other Governmental Purchasing Organizations
- National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc. (NIGP)
- Institute for Supply Management (ISM)
- National Procurement Institute (NPI)
- National Association of Educational Procurement (NAEP)