Local Government Purchasing and Contracting
Conveyance to a Non-Profit Organization
This page provides procedural requirements and sample forms for conveying real and personal property to a non-profit organization for continued public use under G.S. 160A-279. This page also provides information on conveying personal property to a non-profit organization under G.S. 160A-280. For more information on donating property to non-profit organizations, see Donating Property: Beware of Constitutional Constraints.
Sample Forms:
Conveyance for Continued Public Use under G.S.160A-279.doc
Conveyance to nonprofit under G.S.160A-280.doc
Step-By-Step Procedures:
Procedures - Nonprofit Conveyance under GS 160A-279.pdf
Procedures - Nonprofit Conveyance under GS 160A-280.pdf