
Knapp Library

General Interest

The Associated Press is a global news network. Information feeds offer an easy way to get the latest AP headlines. Subscription is available through this website.

The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC.  Their many RSS feeds are organized by topic, expert, program, center, project, and series. 

FindLaw is a online source of legal information. Information feeds are available for FindLaw blogs, commentaries, news, and recent cases. 

HeinOnline is Hein’s premier online research product with more than 60 million pages of legal history. Those interested may subscribe to particular HeinOnline content libraries or follow their blog via RSS feed. 

The Center aims to connect public management research with practice and ultimately improve the effectiveness of government by sponsoring independent research and creating opportunities for dicussions of public management topics. Subscribe to their blog via RSS feeds and E-newsletter on this website. 

The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners is a statewide local government association, established for the betterment of county government in North Carolina. RSS feeds are available for classifieds and the Association's calendar of events. 

The North Carolina League of Municipalities is a nonpartisan association of municipalities in North Carolina focusing on municipal governance. Subscribe to legislative information as well as League news and events via RSS feeds. 

The New York Times is a media source providing news, information, entertainment, and opinion. Those interested may subscribe to RSS feeds according to content area. 

This is the online version of the News & Observer newspaper, a regional publication with deep roots in the Triangle. Keep up-to-date on news, sports, and entertainment by subscribing to their RSS feed. 

The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press is an independent, non-partisan public opinion research organization that studies attitudes toward politics, the press and public policy issues. For recent news and updates subscribe to the Center's RSS feed. 

Reuters is an online source of information for businesses and professionals in the financial, legal, tax and accounting, healthcare, science and media markets. Subscribe to Reuters feeds that corresponds to your topic of interest. 

Stateline is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news service of the Pew Center on the States that reports and analyzes trends in state policy. Choose among RSS feeds organized by issue or state. 


THOMAS is a part of the US Library of Congress and offers online legislative information. Information feeds are available for blog posts, Senate and House bills and resolutions and more. 

This website lists a number of RSS feeds of the latest news from UNCH-CH schools, departments and centers. 

USA.gov is the federal government's official web portal and provides government information and services online. Subscribe to RSS feeds from the Federal Citizen Information Center on this website. 

WRAL is a source of local, state, and national news. Content in each section is available for RSS feed subscription. Email alerts are also available.

Public Officials - Courts and Judicial Administration Roles
Topics - Courts and Judicial Administration