Sharing Confidential Health Information in Emergencies
A slide deck on sharing information that is confidential under HIPAA and G.S. 130A-143 (NC's communicable disease confidentiality law) in emergencies and during emergency response. This slide deck was originally created in April 2024 and is being published online in October 2024 as a resource for those engaged in emergency response following Hurricane Helene.
A slide deck on sharing information that is confidential under HIPAA and G.S. 130A-143 (NC's communicable disease confidentiality law) in emergencies. This slide deck does not address all confidentiality laws that may apply to health information and enable/restrict information sharing in an emergency. The information provided in this slide deck does not constitute legal advice or establish an attorney-client relationship.
For questions about the confidentiality of health information and sharing that information during emergencies, please email Kirsten Leloudis at