NC Superior Court Judges
Orientation for Superior Court Judges January 22-26, 2018
More information on the course, including future events, can be found on the course homepage. If you have questions, please contact Tanya Jisa or Jessica Smith.
Course Materials
Orientation for New Superior Court Judges Agenda (2018)
Tools of the Trade: The Judges' Benchbook & Other Online Resources for Judges (2018)
Criminal Court (2018)
Criminal Court: Guilty Pleas (2018)
Criminal Court: Counsel Issues (2018)
Structured Sentencing (2018)
Probation Revocations (2018)
Correcting Errors in Criminal Judgments (2018)
Civil Procedure (2018)
Evidence: A Judge's Perspective (2018)
Transition to the Superior Court Bench (2018)
Motions to Suppress (2018)
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (2018)
Self-Represented Litigants (2018)
Contempt (2018)
Lexis for the NC Bench (2018)
Fairness and the Courts (2018)
Interpreter Issues (2018)
Out of Session, Out of County, Out of Term (2018)
Judicial Ethics (2018)
Public Officials - Courts and Judicial Administration Roles
Topics - Courts and Judicial Administration