Juvenile Law Bulletin Series

Most recently published bulletins are shown first. Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 bulletins
Bulletin Number Title Author Date Description Download
2024/01 Transfer and Removal: Movement of Cases Between Juvenile Court and Superior Court Jacquelyn Greene 2024

North Carolina law allows, and sometimes requires, movement of cases between juvenile and criminal jurisdiction.

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2023/02 Infant Safe Surrender in North Carolina: Significant Changes in 2023 Sara DePasquale 2023

The law on infant safe surrender, sometimes referred to as infant safe haven, allows a parent to intentionally and safely abandon their infant without criminal prosecution.

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2023/01 Juvenile Law Related to the Investigation of Delinquent Acts Jacquelyn Greene 2023

Investigations of offenses that are subject to juvenile jurisdiction often require an understanding of both criminal law and juvenile law.

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2022/02 Juvenile Interrogation Jacquelyn Greene 2022

The law that governs custodial interrogation of juveniles encompasses the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination as well as enhanced statutory protections contained in North Car

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2022/01 Transfer of Juvenile Delinquency Cases to Superior Court Jacquelyn Greene 2022

North Carolina law allows, and sometime requires, certain juvenile delinquency cases to be transferred to superior court for trial in the criminal system.

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2021/01 Including Young Children in Delinquency Jurisdiction: Issues of Infancy and Capacity Jacquelyn Greene 2021

A child as young as 6 can be a respondent in a delinquency proceeding in North Carolina’s juvenile justice system. This is often referred to as the “minimum age” of juvenile jurisdiction.

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2019/02 Delinquency and DSS Custody without Abuse, Neglect, or Dependency: How Does That Work? Sara DePasquale, Jacquelyn Greene 2019

PLEASE NOTE: This bulletin replaces Juvenile Law Bulletin No.

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2016/01 Applying the Reasonable Child Standard to Juvenile Interrogations After J.D.B. v. North Carolina LaToya B. Powell 2016

This bulletin addresses the U.S.

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2015/01 Childhood Immunizations and the Role of a County Department of Social Services Sara DePasquale 2015

This bulletin addresses if and when a county department of social services may arrange for and consent to a child’s immunization.

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2014/01 Guardians ad Litem for Respondent Parents in Juvenile Cases Janet Mason 2014

This bulletin updates Juvenile Law Bulletin #2013/01, “Guardians ad Litem for Respondent Parents in Juvenile Cases” in light of the enactment of S.L. 2013-129.

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2013/03 2013 Legislation Affecting Abuse, Neglect, Dependency, and Termination of Parental Rights Sara DePasquale 2013

This bulletin covers substantive changes made to the Juvenile Code by the 2013 Session of the North Carolina General Assembly.

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2013/02 Drafting Good Court Orders in Juvenile Cases Janet Mason 2013

This bulletin discusses the elements of good court orders in abuse, neglect, dependency, and termination of parental rights cases and provides guidance for drafting and reviewing these orders.

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2011/01 Confidentiality in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings Janet Mason 2011

Explains North Carolina law relating to (1) access to juvenile court hearings involving delinquency and (2) access to and use of information about young people who are involved in juvenile delinque

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2007/01 Delinquent Juveniles: North Carolina Appellate Court Decisions Janet Mason 2007

Discusses cases decided by the North Carolina Supreme Court and North Carolina Court of Appeals involving delinquent juveniles.

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2007/01 Juvenile Delinquency Appellate Cases Janet Mason 2007 PDF icon Download (241.06 KB)
2007/02 Minors as Parties in Civil Actions Janet Mason 2007

Discusses general rules that govern minor parties' participation in civil court actions, including the procedures for proper service of process on minor parties.

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2006/01 Abuse, Neglect & Dependency Cases Involving More than One County Janet Mason 2006

Discusses the consequences when more than one county department of social services becomes involved in a child protective services case.

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2005/01 Delinquent Juveniles: North Carolina Appellate Court Decisions Janet Mason 2005

This bulletin discusses selected cases decided by the North Carolina Supreme Court and North Carolina Court of Appeals involving delinquent juveniles.

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