School Law Bulletin Series

Most recently published bulletins are shown first. Displaying 101 - 128 of 128 bulletins
Bulletin Number Title Author Date Description Download
2000/02 Clearinghouse 2000

The Clearinghouse digests recent state and federal opinions that affect North Carolina.

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2000/03 The School Board Chair: “Meeting” Expectations Susan Leigh Flinspach, Jason Bradley Kay 2000

The article comprises three main sections. The first section presents a statistical picture of school board chairpersons in North Carolina from the 1999 survey data.

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1999/15 Clearinghouse 1999

The Clearinghouse digests recent state and federal opinions that affect North Carolina.

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1999/16 Property Interests and Due Process in Public University and Community College Student Disciplinary Proceedings Tonya Robinson 1999

IN NORTH CAROLINA’S PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES AND COM- MUNITY COLLEGES, allegations of student misconduct can put in motion a variety of administrative and disciplinary proceedings.

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1999/14 The Uncertain Constitutionality of Prayers that Open School Board Meetings Chad Ford 1999

IS IT A VIOLATION of the United States Constitution for a North Carolina school board to open its meetings with a prayer?

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1999/10 Changes Affecting Employment in the Public Schools Robert P. Joyce 1999

AFTER THREE VERY ACTIVE SESSIONS in 1996, 1997, and 1998, the North Carolina General Assembly in 1999 took a break from enacting major legislation affecting employment in the public schools.

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1999/11 Changes Affecting Higher Education Robert P. Joyce 1999

THE BIGGEST STORY in higher education legislation in the 1999 session of the North Carolina General Assembly was a bill that did not pass—S 912—which, in its original form, would have authorized th

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1999/12 Additional Limitations on Noninstructional and Extracurricular Duties 1999

THE 1999 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY passed SL 1999-96 (S 898), which adds to the list of local board duties spelled out in Section 115C-47 of the North Carolina General Statutes (hereinafter G

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1999/13 Changes Affecting Elementary and Secondary Education Laurie L. Mesibov 1999

THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY enacted no bold new initiatives to improve public education in 2000.

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1999/07 Clearinghouse 1999

The Clearinghouse digests recent state and federal opinions that affect North Carolina.

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1999/08 1998 Licensure Decisions of the North Carolina State Board of Education 1999

THE EXCELLENT SCHOOLS ACT OF 1997 addressed issues related to every phase of employment in North Carolina’s public schools, from teacher education to professional development, contract renewals, an

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1999/09 Subpoenas and School Records: A School Employee’s Guide John Rubin 1999

Public schools, like most public entities, accumulate a lot of personal information about the people they serve and employ.

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1999/01 Changes Affecting Elementary and Secondary Education Laurie L. Mesibov 1999

THE 1990S HAVE SEEN ENORMOUS CHANGES in public school law.

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1999/02 Public Schools and Vehicles Forfeited for Drunk Driving James C. Drennan 1999

THE BASIC OPERATION of the 1997 driving while im- paired (DWI) amendments on forfeiture of motor ve- hicles in DWI cases was fairly clear.1 A vehicle was subject to forfeiture if it was driven by a

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1999/03 Statutory Changes Related to Higher Education Robert P. Joyce 1999

THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN 1998 enacted no sweeping changes in statutes affecting the sixteen constituent institutions that make up The University of North Carolina (UNC) or the state’s community coll

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1999/04 Modifications to Laws Affecting Employment in the Public Schools Robert P. Joyce 1999

IN 1997 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, in passing the Excellent Schools Act, made significant changes in all aspects of public school employment: teacher prepara- tion and certification, performance evaluat

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1999/05 New Procedures for School and College Construction, Purchasing, and Sales Frayda S. Bluestein 1999

THE 1998 GENERAL ASSEMBLY enacted laws affecting single- and separate-prime bidding for local school administrative unit building projects, increasing the purchasing flexibility of school units and

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1999/06 1998 Legislation Affecting Public Education in North Carolina 1999

This is the editors note on 1998 Legislation Affecting Public Education in North Carolina.

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1998/05 New Kid on the Block: The School Boards Program Susan Leigh Flinspach 1998

Ever since the first wave of state-initiated educational reforms began to be felt in the early 1980s, state responsibility for education has increasingly impinged on the local control of schools.

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1998/06 The North Carolina State Board of Education: Its Constitutional Authority and Rule-Making Procedures 1998

The State Board of Education (hereinafter the State Board or the board) is the only state agency that derives its powers directly from the North Carolina Constitution.

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1998/02 School Funding Disputes: Mediate, Don't Litigate John B. Stephens, Matthew J. Michel 1998

This article looks at mediating school budget disputes.

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1998/03 School Funding Disputes: Development of the Law C. Thomas Powell 1998

This article looks at the development of school budget dispute laws overtime.

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1998/04 Legal Issues in School Volunteer Programs Part IV: Policies for Minimizing Risk in School Volunteer Programs 1998

Part IV is the final installment of this series on legal issues in school volunteer programs. The first three parts dis- cussed liability issues in public school volunteer programs.

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1998/01 Legal Issues in School Volunteer Programs Part III: Vicarious School Board Liability 1998

This is Part III of a four-part series discussing issues of liability in school volunteer programs.

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1997/03 1997 North Carolina Legislation Affecting Elementary and Secondary Education Laurie L. Mesibov 1997

The article reviews the North Carolina legislation from 1997 affecting elementary and secondary education.

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1997/04 1997 North Carolina Legislation Affecting Employment in the Public Schools Robert P. Joyce 1997

This article looks at North Carolina legislation from 1997 affecting employment in the public schools.

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1997/02 Legal Issues in School Volunteer Programs Part II: Direct School Board Liability 1997

This is Part II of the four-part series discussing issues of liability in school volunteer programs.

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1997/01 Legal Issues in School Volunteer Programs Part I: Liability for Volunteers Themselves 1997

This article begins a four-part series discussing issues of liability in school volunteer programs and mechanisms for keeping harmful situations to a minimum.

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