North Carolina Trial Judges' Bench Book, District Court, Family Law, 2024 Edition (paperback)

Thursday, May 1, 2025
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The North Carolina Trial Judges' Bench Book, District Court, Family Law, 2024 is a comprehensive legal reference created for North Carolina district court judges. The 2024 edition provides summaries of North Carolina law governing family law cases routinely heard in district court, with statutory and case law updated through October 15, 2024. Because of its size (1,403 pages), the print edition is published in two bound parts: Part A (657 pages) and Part B (746 pages). It is divided by topic into twelve chapters:

Part A (chapters 1–4)

  1. Spousal Agreements
  2. Postseparation Support and Alimony
  3. Child Support
  4. Child Custody

Part B (chapters 5–12)

  1. Divorce and Annulment
  2. Equitable Distribution
  3. Domestic Violence
  4. Adoption
  5. Judicial Waiver of Parental Consent Requirement for a Minor’s Abortion
  6. Paternity
  7. Civil No-Contact Orders
  8. Contempt of Court

This publication updates the 2021 edition of the North Carolina Trial Judges' Bench Book, District Court, Volume 1, Family Law and replaces Volume 2. Beginning with the 2024 edition, there is only one volume.

This publication is available in print and digital versions. The digital version offers the following special features:

  • Full-Text Keyword Search: Find the information you need quickly and easily, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • Dynamic Cross-References: Navigate between related sections with ease.
  • Footnote Options: Readily access relevant citations and additional contextual information by expanding the convenient inline footnotes.

You will have unlimited access to this digital publication until the next edition is published.

A preview of the table of contents and first chapter of this book will be available when the book is published.

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Publication date: 
Thursday, May 1, 2025
Cheryl D. Howell
Jan S. Simmons
Danielle Ward
978-1-64238-114-6 Part A
978-1-64238-115-3 Part B
978-1-64238-116-0 Digital version (Parts A and B)
Page count: 
Public Officials - Courts and Judicial Administration Roles
Topics - Courts and Judicial Administration