New Extradition Manual Now Available

Published for NC Criminal Law on September 30, 2013.

stateofncextraditionmanual2013A new edition of the State of North Carolina Extradition Manual is now available. Although international extradition gets all the media attention -- and is the subject of this blog post -- state-to-state extradition is vastly more common. Particularly in border counties, it is an everyday procedure. The manual provides an overview of the process and is intended to help those who play a role in extradition, including the arresting officer, magistrate, prosecutor, defense attorney, court clerk, and judge. The manual covers the extradition statutes and related issues such as the Interstate Agreement on Detainers. The new version updates the prior edition, which was released way back in 1987. Note that a bulk purchase of the new edition has been made by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) from the School of Government using funds available. Distribution will be made to the following groups by inclusion in the regularly scheduled supply deliveries, which should be completed by the end of September:

  • One to each judicial district
  • One to each prosecutorial district
  • One to each Public Defender’s office, with multiple copies going to the Durham office

You can get more information and purchase the book, which costs $25, here.

Topics - Courts and Judicial Administration