Wilson 20/20 Community Vision

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This document has been prepared by faculty and staff of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Government, the consultants chosen to assist in designing and facilitating this community visioning project. The information herein documents the history related to the consultant-guided portion of the project and outlines the work conducted over the course of approximately 12 months, from the fall of 2006 until summer 2007, to engage the community, solicit feedback and ideas, create a vision statement, and begin to form teams to implement the community’s vision for its future. Decisions made through the process to date include adopting a statement of the community’s desired future state (vision statement) as well as specific targets for improvement (goals). Project leadership determined that an ongoing, citizen-centered engagement strategy led by many diverse community partners was the way to move from vision to action to change. This report chronicles these proceedings, documents decisions, and provides recommendations for moving forward.

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