Webinar: Legislative Changes to Estate Administration - The Child and Spousal Allowance

This 1.5 hour long webinar is for Elected, Assistant, and Deputy Clerks of Superior Court. We will cover the key legislative changes enacted by Session Law 2023-120 that are applicable to the child and spousal allowance in decedents' estates. The webinar will be taught by Meredith Smith, UNC School of Government, and Matt Kraus, N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts. There is no cost to register.

Registration for this webinar is now closed.

There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.
There are no materials avaliable for this course at this time.
For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

Erica Carlisle

Program Manager, Courts Group
Associate Professor of Public Law and Government