Single Protective Arrangements and Single Transactions

Do you have questions about single protective arrangements and single transactions under G.S. 35A-1121?  Do you want to learn more about how they intersect with—and in some cases replace—the need for a guardian?  Have you already dealt with cases involving this new type of relationship authorized by Session Law 2021-53? Then join us for a webinar on April 5 when we will cover the basics of this new law and work through some of your pressing questions on the topic.  We will conclude the session by breaking out into professional groups for more targeted question and answer sessions.


Matt Kraus, Assistant Legal Counsel, N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts

Catherine L. Wilson, Attorney, McPherson, Rocamora, Nicholson, Wilson & Hinkle, PLLC

Timothy Heinle, Civil Defender Educator, UNC School of Government

Meredith Smith, Associate Professor, UNC School of Government

Additional information


Attendees: This course is open to elected, assistant, and deputy clerks of superior court; G.S. Chapter 35A guardian ad litem attorneys; county department of social services directors, social workers, and attorneys.

Registration: There is no registration fee for this course. The deadline for registering is 5:00pm, Friday, April 1st, 2022.

CLE: This webinar will offer 2 hours of general continuing legal education (CLE) credit.

To receive CLE credit, all participants must preregister individually, even if the webinar is watched in a group setting. To receive partial credit, please submit your form to John Sherman at

There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.
For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

John Patrick Sherman

Program Manager, Courts Group
Associate Professor of Public Law and Government
Albert and Gladys Coates Term Professor; Teaching Assistant Professor