Fundamentals of Property Tax Collection

  • Chapel Hill, NC


This course focuses on law and practice governing the collection of county and municipal property taxes. It is designed to help new tax office employees learn the basics of tax collection while also providing a refresher for tax office veterans.

Future offerings of this course:

  • September 23-25, 2025 (Fully In-person) 
  • February 17-20, 2026 (Fully Online)


HOTELS: There is not a block of rooms for the fall in-person class. For area hotel information, see our hotel list at


The School of Government is grateful for the generosity of Zacchaeus Legal Services for its support, providing all course participants with a copy of the course textbook, Fundamentals of Property Tax Collection Law in North Carolina by Chris McLaughlin.

Additional information


Certification: Required course for certification through North Carolina Tax Collectors Association. The final examination requires a passing score of 70% for certification approval.

Duration: The final examination will be available online and taken through Canvas. Information will be provided during the class. 


Continuing Education Hours: TBD 

PDF icon FPT Agenda_2025.pdf


MATERIALS and Pre-Work 

Participants will receive a copy of the textbook, Fundamentals of Property Tax Collection Law in North Carolina by Chris McLaughlin, generously provided by Zacchaeus Legal Services

Pre-work: You will have several videos to watch prior to the first day of class. The videos will be located in Canvas (our secure materials site). Instructions to access this site will be emailed approximately 1 week prior to class.

Canvas Instructions, click HERE

More information about class will be communicated closer to the start date. 

For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

Shannon Morris

Program Manager, Law and Finance Group
Professor of Public Law and Government