News Roundup

Published for NC Criminal Law on September 29, 2017.

Sports fans across the country were shocked this week to learn that for several years the FBI and federal prosecutors have been investigating what one prosecutor has described as “the dark underbelly of college basketball.”  As part of an investigation that may reveal widespread corruption, federal criminal complaints against several people associated with various college basketball teams were made public on Tuesday.  The story is complex and still developing, but a New York Times article says that “two broad schemes” have been alleged.  One involves assistant coaches who allegedly were bribed to persuade players to use certain financial advisors after turning pro.  The other involves Adidas secretly giving money to certain players and their families in exchange for the players’ commitments to play at Adidas-sponsored schools.  Keep reading for more news.

Doug Parsons.  Along with many others in the legal community, we were saddened to learn that Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Doug Parsons passed away last weekend.  A report from The Sampson Independent recounts Parsons’ long career and describes his many significant contributions to his community and profession.  Our condolences are with Parsons’ family and friends.

Office Hours.  It’s almost time for another round of Office Hours at the Judicial College – the next session is taking place Thursday, October 5, from 12:30-1:30.  Office Hours are informal and interactive conference calls where judicial officials and other court actors can discuss legal questions with SOG faculty members and staff.  Jeff, Shea, and Phil will be on hand to discuss Supreme Court happenings as well as new developments in evidence and criminal procedure.  They also will be happy to field any other criminal law questions that participants may have.  Please join in, there’s no cost to participate and you don’t even have to register, but space is limited.

Marvelous Magistrates.  As the Greenville Daily Reflector reports, Governor Roy Cooper recently formally commended North Carolina magistrates for their hard work as “the gateway to the North Carolina judicial system.”  As are readers of this blog, we’re well aware of the important role that magistrates play in the judicial system, and are excited to see a public recognition of their contributions.

Crime Stats.  The FBI released its annual report on national crime statistics this week.  The full report, entitled Crime in the United States, 2016, is available here, and a summary of the report is available here.  According to the summary, “violent crime increased for the second consecutive year, while property crime decreased for the 14th straight year.”  In a statement accompanying the report, FBI Director Christopher Wray mentioned a persistent issue regarding national crime statistics that receives little attention – we don’t have a particularly clear and complete picture of crime in this country because of deficiencies in the reporting system associated with the fragmented nature of law enforcement nationally.  No need to worry though, a fix is in the works and in the year 2021 we’ll know exactly what’s going on.

Scalise Returns to Congress.  As Louisiana newspaper The Advocate reports, U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise returned to the Capitol this week after spending months recovering from being shot at a congressional baseball practice earlier this summer.  Scalise received a minutes-long standing ovation and thanked his colleagues for their support during his recovery.  The News Roundup from earlier this year discussing the shooting is available here.

Weiner Sentenced.  Anthony Weiner was sentenced to 21 months in prison this week after pleading guilty in May to transferring obscene material to a minor.  Last year it was revealed that Weiner had carried on an online relationship with a 15-year-old North Carolina high school student, sending her lewd texts and pictures over various digital messaging applications.

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