G.S. 7B-3001
Records of juvenile court counselors regarding juveniles under their supervision and all other records and files maintained by the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) of the Department of Public Safety under the Juvenile Code are not subject to public inspection and may be examined or copied only pursuant to a court order or as otherwise provided by law. The juvenile, the juvenile’s attorney, the juvenile’s parent, guardian, or custodian or authorized representative of the juvenile’s parent, guardian, or custodian, juvenile court counselors, and DJJ professionals who are directly involved in a juvenile’s case may examine and copy these records without a court order.
All law enforcement records regarding delinquent juveniles (other than those whose cases are transferred to superior court) must be maintained separate from law enforcement records regarding adults, are not subject to public inspection, and may be examined only pursuant to a court order or as otherwise provided by law. These records may be examined and copied without a court order by the following persons:
the juvenile or the juvenile's attorney;
the juvenile’s parent, guardian, or custodian;
an authorized representative of the juvenile’s parent, guardian, or custodian;
the district attorney or prosecutor;
juvenile court counselors;
law enforcement officers.