Why Can’t I Just Go Home? Placements, Denials, and Alternatives

Live date: 
Friday, August 19, 2022 - 10:00am


Placement for youth in juvenile justice court can be a complicated and contested issue. This session explores why youth cannot always go home, whose responsibility placement really is, and the alternatives for juvenile defenders to be aware of.


Burcu Hensley, Assistant Juvenile Defender, North Carolina Office of the Juvenile Defender, Raleigh, NC

Additional Information


For additional information about public defense education courses and resources, visit our Public Defense Education site.

1.00 hours
CLE Value:
1 hrs
1 hrs

Faculty Coordinator

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Faculty Coordinator

individual image for Monica Yelverton
Associate Director of Programs and Services, Public Defense Education
For questions regarding course content, please contact the faculty coordinator.

Faculty Coordinator

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Topics - Courts and Judicial Administration