Judicial College Webinar: Media and Public Access to Body-Worn Camera Footage

Live date: 
Thursday, May 25, 2023 - 4:45pm

This webinar is designed to help law enforcement leaders understand when and how the media and the public are entitled to access body-worn camera footage. These recordings are not public records and are not governed by typical public records rules. But neither are they completely confidential. They have their own statute, G.S. 132-1.4A, which has been significantly amended twice in the past four years. Furthermore, our appellate courts have recently decided two important cases concerning access to body-worn camera videos. In order to comply with the law and avoid needless litigation, agencies need to be up to date on these legal changes.

The webinar is presented by the UNC School of Government in partnership with the North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police (NCACP). Join UNC faculty members Jeff Welty and Shea Denning, as well as Blair Myhand, Chief of Police in Hendersonville and current President of the NCACP for a current and practical look at this important issue.

1.50 hours

Faculty Coordinators

individual image for Jeffrey B. Welty
Professor of Public Law and Government; Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
individual image for Shea Riggsbee Denning
James E. Holshouser Distinguished Professor; Professor of Public Law and Government; Director, North Carolina Judicial College
For questions regarding course details, please contact the program manager.

Faculty Coordinators

individual image for Brooke Cale
Program Manager, Courts Group
For questions regarding course content, please contact the faculty coordinator.

Faculty Coordinators

individual image for Jeffrey B. Welty
Professor of Public Law and Government; Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
individual image for Shea Riggsbee Denning
James E. Holshouser Distinguished Professor; Professor of Public Law and Government; Director, North Carolina Judicial College
For questions regarding registration, resetting passwords, or login issues, please contact Registration at registration@sog.unc.edu or 919-966-4414.
Public Officials - Courts and Judicial Administration Roles
Topics - Local and State Government