Unit Assistance List (UAL) Training Course

The purpose of this course is to provide local officials with concrete strategies to remove their respective local governments from the Local Government Commission’s Unit Assistance List. The course covers the budget adoption and implementation process, including the pre-audit requirement, the need for proper and documented internal controls, and the annual financial audit. It also presents the financial metrics and benchmarks used by the Local Government Commission to determine the fiscal health of counties and municipalities in North Carolina. 


PDF icon Agenda_Virtual UAL Course_SOG.pdf

Additional information

Participants:      This course is open only to local officials who work for local governments on the LGC’s Unit Assistance List.       

Prerequisite:       Fiscal Training for LG Elected Officials (2-hour online course). The website to access training materials can be found here. 

Requirement:      This 4-hour in-person course, along with the 2-hour online prerequisite training, will satisfy the 6-hour education requirement for county and city managers established by state statute. In addition to managers, the School and the LGC highly recommend that the finance officer and governing board members of units on the Local Government Commission’s Unit Assistance List attend this course.

There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.
For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
James E. Holshouser Distinguished Professor; Professor of Public Administration and Government; Faculty Lead, Public Service Matters (Lead for North Carolina)
Teaching Assistant Professor