Property Tax Listing and Assessing in NC

  • Online
  • Chapel Hill, NC
This course is sponsored by .

This class focuses on the basic law and practice governing the listing and assessing of property for tax purposes.

There will be a combination of pre-recorded sessions and live sessions on Zoom. Some pre-work will be required. Please see the Agenda under Materials for more information.

For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact the Program Manager, Christa Stansbury

Members of Civic Federal Credit Union (Civic) and Local Government Federal Credit Union (LGFCU), who are local government employees, are eligible to apply for a scholarship towards tuition for conferences, classes, and seminars offered by the School of Government. There are four deadlines to submit applications:

  • March 1 (for courses starting between April 1 and June 30)
  • June 1 (for courses starting between July 1 and September 30)
  • September 1 (for courses starting between October 1 and December 31)
  • December 1 (for courses starting between January 1 and March 31)

The NC Department of Revenue has approved this course for 30 hours of continuing education for Assessors and Collectors. 

This course is approved for 30 hours of continuing education credit. The exam is required for anyone who plans to use this course towards their certification.


  1. For NC Tax Collectors Association continuing education hours, they do not need to take the exam.


  1. For NC DOR assessor/appraiser continuing education hours, they need to take the exam.
Alternate credit30.00 hrs
  • Online
    October 21 - 24, 2025
    View Scholarship Information

    Members of Civic Federal Credit Union (Civic) and Local Government Federal Credit Union (LGFCU), who are local government employees, are eligible to apply for a scholarship towards tuition for conferences, classes, and seminars offered by the School of Government. There are four deadlines to submit applications:

    • March 1 (for courses starting between April 1 and June 30)
    • June 1 (for courses starting between July 1 and September 30)
    • September 1 (for courses starting between October 1 and December 31)
    • December 1 (for courses starting between January 1 and March 31)
  • Chapel Hill, NC
    June 16 - 18, 2026
    School of Government
    400 South Road
    Chapel Hill, NC 27514
    View Scholarship Information

    Members of Civic Federal Credit Union (Civic) and Local Government Federal Credit Union (LGFCU), who are local government employees, are eligible to apply for a scholarship towards tuition for conferences, classes, and seminars offered by the School of Government. There are four deadlines to submit applications:

    • March 1 (for courses starting between April 1 and June 30)
    • June 1 (for courses starting between July 1 and September 30)
    • September 1 (for courses starting between October 1 and December 31)
    • December 1 (for courses starting between January 1 and March 31)
 PDF icon 2024_10_22_PTax_ListingandAssessing_Agenda_DRAFT.pdf



The texbooks described below will be shipped to you prior to the course. Other course materials will be available online via Canvas.

Each student should bring the following to class:

  • The Machinery Act of North Carolina (copies of The Machinery Act of North Carolina will be provided by the NC Department of Revenue).
  • Battery-operated calculator

Additionally, a copy of the textbook, Guide to the Listing, Assessment, and Taxation of Property in North Carolina by Shea Denning is generously provided by Zacchaeus Legal Services.

For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
Professor of Public Law and Government