Judicial College Webinar: Policing Protests

Millions of Americans participate in thousands of protests and demonstrations each year. These events form part of our democratic tradition, but they can be very challenging for law enforcement. How can officers best address the “bad apples” that may incite violence? What should officers do when both protestors and counter-protestors are present? How can officers handle leaderless protests, or events led by individuals unwilling to work with law enforcement to ensure safety? Are there any limits on what demonstrators may do, say, or record?

The UNC School of Government and the North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police are co-sponsoring a webinar on policing protests. It will take place on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, from 2:00 to 3:30 EST. It will be free of charge thanks to a subsidy from the North Carolina Judicial College. Panelists will include Jeff Welty and Kristi Nickodem from the School of Government, Graham Chief of Police Kristy Cole, and Bob Harrison, a former chief now working with the California POST and the RAND Corporation.

The webinar will be appropriate for agency heads, supervisors, and attorneys working with law enforcement agencies.

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For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

John Patrick Sherman

Program Manager, Courts Group
Professor of Public Law and Government; Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Assistant Professor of Public Law and Government