Adult Protection Multidisciplinary Team Workshop

    Currently, there are no offerings for this course.

    It will bring together diverse stakeholders from around North Carolina to begin the process of forming and developing adult protection multidisciplinary teams (MDTs).  

    Participants are encouraged to apply in teams and teams will be county-based.  Each MDT may send up to seven people from their community to participate in the workshop. The core of each team should include representatives from the office of the clerk of superior court, the county department of social services, the district attorney's office, and law enforcement. Other team members may include guardian ad litem attorneys, public guardians, and representatives from hospitals, adult care homes, housing authorities, financial institutions, long term care ombudsman, faith communities, and mental health agencies.

    On Day 1 of the workshop, participants will learn about MDTs, the system of adult protection in North Carolina, and engage in team-building activities.  On Day 2, participants will work in their teams to develop tools to support their community response to adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation.  


    Additional information

    Anyone who wants to create new or develop existing MDTs in their community may apply. If you are interested in applying and have questions about MDTs or adult protective services in North Carolina, contact Kristy Preston ( with the Adult Protection Network Help Desk. Kristy is also available to work with individuals to help identify other potential stakeholders in the community who can participate in the training as a team.

    If you have any questions about workshop registration or logistics, contact Karli Wilson (

    Registration for this course is by application only. The application has closed. If you have been accepted to this program, please email Karli Wilson ( for the link to registration.

    Funding for this workshop and hotel expenses will be arranged and paid for by the North Carolina Judicial College.

    To learn more about adult protection MDTs in North Carolina, visit

    There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.
    For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

    Dale Zuckert

    Assistant Registrar
    For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

    Karli Wilson

    Program Manager, Courts Group
    Associate Professor of Public Law and Government
    Teaching Associate Professor
    Director, Adult Protection Network