Advanced Criminal Evidence

  • Chapel Hill, NC

This course is designed for superior court judges. The focus will be on North Carolina law, except where federal law governs, such as with sixth amendment confrontation rights. Topics covered will include, among other things: character and habit, hearsay, confrontation, experts, child witnesses, authentication, and case management. A strong emphasis is on helping judges develop skills to decide evidence issues quickly and accurately and to manage cases well.

Additional information

Attendees: Active Senior Resident Superior Court Judges, Resident Superior Court Judges, and Special Superior Court Judges may apply. 


  • Chapel Hill, NC
    April 29 - May 1, 2025
    UNC School of Government
    400 South Road
    Knapp-Sanders Building
    Chapel Hill, NC 27514
    View Additional Information
    Must apply

To view materials from the last course offering visit the link below.

Superior Court Judges' Past Materials

For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

Erica Carlisle

Program Manager, Courts Group
Assistant Professor
Professor of Public Law and Government