Updated Criminal Defender Manual Chapters

Published for NC Criminal Law on April 03, 2018.

Over the past several months, the Indigent Defense Education group at the School of Government has been working on updating and expanding its free resources for indigent defenders. On our Indigent Defense Manuals website, you can find new editions of the Immigration Consequences Manual and Juvenile Defender Manual as well as the first installment (on motions practice) of a new Practice Guide Series. Also now available are an updated Expunction Guide and a new edition of a general reference for judges and attorneys on Abuse, Neglect, Dependency, and Termination of Parental Rights Proceedings (prepared by our colleagues Sara DePasquale and Jan Simmons with support from the Administrative Office of the Courts Court Improvement Program). For our two-volume criminal defender manual, we’re taking a slightly different approach and are posting chapters as we complete them. The first ones—on Personal Rights of the Defendant and Duties of the Presiding Judge—are hot off the computer and ready for use. In the next several months, we will be posting several more updated chapters in both Volume 1 on pretrial procedure and Volume 2 on trial procedure.

All of these resources are available online at no charge on the above websites. But, if you prefer hard copies of any of the manuals—or, more accurately, soft-bound versions—you can buy them here. Once we finish updating all of the chapters in the criminal defender manuals, we’ll issue new soft-bound versions of them as well. Until then, keep checking the Indigent Defense Manuals website for updated chapters.

We hope these resources are helpful.

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