Annual Report from the Judicial College (2021-2022)

Published for NC Criminal Law on October 13, 2022.

The North Carolina Judicial College was founded in 2005 to expand the education and training the School of Government has provided for judicial branch officials since the 1930s. Judicial College funding has enabled the School to provide more courses for a growing court system and to offer training in small group, interactive educational settings.

Our latest annual report, which we are distributing to judicial officials in hard copy form, highlights new projects, publications, and personnel. We thought you might want to check it out.

I am particularly proud of last year’s additions to our already strong core of educational offerings and publications in juvenile law. Sara DePasquale published a new edition of Abuse, Neglect, Dependency, and Termination of Parental Rights Proceedings in North Carolina along with an updated Stages of Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Cases. Jacqui Greene published a 2022 edition of Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Act: Implementation Guide. Together, they launched an Advanced Certification in Juvenile Justice, a program that allows district court judges presiding over juvenile court to pursue a new certification through an expanded course of study.

In addition, Meredith Smith and Jan Simmons published in March 2022 the North Carolina Clerk of Superior Court Manual Series, a robust web-based collection of reference materials examining the law related to judicial proceedings conducted by clerks. The online series replaces the traditional print manual with a resource that is searchable and easy to access and navigate on a laptop or mobile device.

As always, we are grateful to the Judicial Branch officials we are privileged to serve and to our partners at the Administrative Office of the Courts for our longstanding partnership and their ongoing support.

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