What @sog_ced is reading on the web: September 2015

Published for Community and Economic Development (CED) on September 30, 2015.

The following are articles and reports on the web that the Community and Economic Development Program at the UNC School of Government shared through social media over the past month. Follow us on twitter or facebook to receive regular updates.

Items of interest related to CED in North Carolina:

North Carolina State economist compares the economic performance of North Carolina versus South Carolina: ‪http://bit.ly/1igE9C0 

President of North Carolina Community Colleges discusses the system’s role in economic development, recovery from the recession, and agreements with four year colleges: ‪http://bit.ly/1ihHsbW 

Report on the economic development impact of the military on North Carolina: ‪http://bit.ly/1FndqIV 

Article about UNC Chapel Hill graduate student team in School of Government community revitalization course, working with Ahoskie, North Carolina: ‪http://bit.ly/1hVcgie 

New loan program in North Carolina for owners of affordable land trust homes (owner buys house only, land by 99 year ground lease): ‪http://bit.ly/1LAWVj3 

State’s main economic development‪ incentive program likely to be funded again by the North Carolina General Assembly: ‪http://bit.ly/1LvVD8U 

Other CED items:

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta reports on top Community Reinvestment Act-motivated lending and community development activities; including a mapping tool of bank assessment areas: ‪http://bit.ly/1JtiU6s 

Attorney reviews the causes of farmland loss and methods of prevention: ‪http://bit.ly/1i8QxUR 

Vacant schools pose national redevelopment challenge: ‪http://bit.ly/1ETArIT 

Federal Reserve Banks release publication on workforce development best practices and case studies. ‪http://bit.ly/1KvI5rQ 

States see poverty rates decline: ‪http://bit.ly/1OwJJNZ 

Lincoln Land Institute’s new report on inclusionary zoning for affordable housing in hot real estate markets: ‪http://bit.ly/1PzrMeO 

Turns out the Pope is also an urban planner ‪http://wapo.st/1JySKhs 

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta research: Do Millennials Prefer to Live Closer to the City Center? ‪http://bit.ly/1iIlezP 

Last month’s edition of “What @sog_ced is reading….” http://ced.sog.unc.edu/what-sog_ced-is-reading-on-the-web-august-2015/

Compiled by Marcia Perritt

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