Funding Public Capital Projects--Part I: Saving Money through Fund Balance and Capital Reserve Funds
Published for Community and Economic Development (CED) on October 30, 2012.

1.The purposes for which the fund is being created. A board may accumulate moneys for multiple capital projects within a single capital reserve fund, but it must list each project separately. 2.The approximate periods of time during which the moneys will be accumulated for each purpose. A board must provide a rough estimate of when moneys will be expended from the capital reserve fund for each capital project. 3.The approximate amounts to be accumulated for each purpose. A board must provide a rough estimate of the total amounts it intends to save for each capital project. 4.The sources from which moneys for each purpose will be derived. A board must indicate the revenue sources it intends to allocate to the capital reserve fund to finance each project (e.g. property tax proceeds, utility fees, local sales and use tax proceeds, grant proceeds, etc.).Establishing a capital reserve fund affords a unit’s governing board a more formalized mechanism to save moneys for future capital expenditures. It also provides greater transparency than using fund balance because the board must indicate how it ultimately intends to expend the moneys. It is a less flexible savings option, though. Once moneys are appropriated to a capital reserve fund, they must be used for capital expenditures. The moneys may not be used to fund operating expenses, even in an emergency situation. Note that a governing board must list the specific purposes for which it is accumulating revenues in the capital reserve fund. It may not simply establish the fund to raise money for general capital expenditures. A governing board, however, may amend its capital reserve fund at any time to add new capital projects, delete capital projects, or to change the nature of the capital projects. G.S. 159-19. The board is not required to expend the accumulated moneys for the capital projects initially identified in the reserve fund. For example, assume that a city is growing fairly rapidly. The governing board anticipates needing a water system expansion within the next eight to ten years to accommodate new growth. The board establishes a capital reserve fund and allocates moneys to the fund each year for the water system expansion project. Five years later a major recession hits the city. Growth slows significantly. It now appears that a water system expansion will not be necessary. The governing board could amend the capital reserve fund to delete the water system expansion project and substitute a new project(s), such as road improvements, building maintenance, vehicle acquisition, or a new recreation building. The board could not divert the accumulated revenues in the fund to cover operating expenses. How specific must the unit be in listing the “purpose(s) in the reserve fund?” Could a unit that wishes to save money for a variety of future capital expenditures related to its water system, simply state the purpose as “water system projects” or must it list each separate project (such as water line expansion, water treatment plant roof maintenance, water tank painting, etc.)? The answer is not entirely clear. G.S. 159-18 requires a unit to list all the “purposes” for which it is establishing or maintaining the reserve fund. It does not provide further guidance on the level of specificity. The statute, however, allows a local government to establish a capital reserve fund only for the purposes for which a unit may issue bonds. The most comprehensive list of purposes for which counties and municipalities may issue bonds is in G.S. 159-48. The level of specificity in which projects are listed in this statute provides at least some guidance to local governments as to how detailed the stated purposes must be in a capital reserve fund. The local unit likely could list its water-system related purposes as follows—“to provide for the unit’s water system, including without limitation facilities for the supply, storage, treatment, and distribution of water.” This is one of the authorized purposes for which counties and municipalities may issue general obligation bonds under G.S. 159-48(b)(21). How are moneys expended from a capital reserve fund? The governing board must adopt an ordinance or resolution authorizing the withdrawal of moneys from the fund, the transfer of the moneys to another fund (such as the general fund or an enterprise fund), and the expenditure of the moneys for one or more of the capital projects or assets identified in the capital reserve fund. Using Savings for Blight City Projects Saving money over time is one of the funding options available to local governments. But is it an appropriate option for Blight City? (Recall the Blight City is looking to make road improvements, widen the sidewalks, install street lights, upgrade water and sewer lines, and demolish a city-owned structure to construct a parking lot in its central downtown area.) Legally the city may save money using fund balance or a capital reserve fund to finance all or a portion of each of these projects. Practically, however, the city may not be able to delay the projects until it accrues enough funds. This is particularly true if the public infrastructure projects are being used as an incentive for private investment. The root beer company and developer may insist on completion of the public improvements before (or at least contemporaneously with) the private development. The city might be able to negotiate with the developers to phase the projects over a period of years, giving the unit time to raise additional revenue. In general, however, using savings to fund capital projects is a more effective option for routine capital expenditures or those expenditures that are anticipated years in advance. What if the developer instead wants Blight City to appropriate funds to the developer to support her private building projects in the city’s downtown--may the unit use a capital reserve fund to accumulate money to provide a grant or loan to a private entity to fund a private capital project? The answer is no. Counties and municipalities have broad authority to appropriate monies to private entities as long as the monies are spent by the private entities on a project or activity in which the local governments are statutorily authorized to engage. See G.S. 153A-449; G.S. 160A-20.1. And there is broad statutory authority for local governments to support private capital projects particularly for economic development purposes. See, e.g., G.S. 158-7.1. But a local government may not accumulate funds in a capital reserve fund that it later loans or grants to a private entity to fund a private capital project. A local government only may establish a capital reserve fund to save moneys for public capital projects. Blight City could accumulate funds through fund balance that it ultimately loans or grants to the developer for certain projects authorized under G.S. 158-7.1.
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