They’re Here! Updated Abuse, Neglect, Dependency and TPR Resources from the SOG
I am very excited to announce the availability of two new resources.
- Abuse, Neglect, Dependency, and Termination of Parental Rights Proceedings in North Carolina (2019), otherwise known as “the A/N/D Manual” or “the Manual.”
If you were at the School of Government earlier today, you would have heard and seen me running down the hallway, exclaiming “it’s out, it’s out!” The 2019 edition of the A/N/D Manual is available on the SOG website, here, and it replaces the 2017 edition. This new 2019 edition is current through December 31, 2019 and incorporates opinions issued by the North Carolina appellate courts (most of which are published) through that date as well as legislative changes made through the completion of the 2019 legislative changes (which ended in January 2020).
This Manual provides easily accessible information about the laws, procedures, and concepts related to abuse, neglect, dependency, and termination of parental rights proceedings in North Carolina. The primary intended audience consists of judicial officials, social services attorneys, parents’ attorneys, and guardian ad litem attorney advocates who work in this area of the law.
This updated and revised edition has an additional 70 pages of content (give or take a page). Chapter 12 has been rewritten to reflect the new Rules of Appellate Procedure, effective in 2019.
The online version of the A/N/D Manual is available at no charge on the SOG website, here. You can download the entire Manual or individual chapters. New to the microsite page for the Manual is a Table of Contents hyperlink. The Manual will also be available to purchase in a soft cover book. If you’d like to be notified when the Manual is available for purchase, click here. The School’s partner for this Manual is the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC). Production of this Manual was made possible with funding provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services—Administration for Children and Families, and the Court Improvement Program of the AOC. Thank you Kiesha Crawford!
I must specially thank two colleagues. Jan Simmons, co-author, continues to embark on this Manual writing journey with me. John Rubin is not just the author of Chapter 11: Evidence, but a source of ongoing consistent support and advice.
- Stages of Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Cases in North Carolina: From Report to Final Disposition (2019), otherwise referred to as “Candyland.”
This 2019 edition updates the 2017 edition. It is a 15-page primer with accompanying color-coded flow chart. It has a new orange cover so you can distinguish from the earlier 2015 and 2017 editions. This edition incorporates changes to the Juvenile Code through the 2019 legislative session. It is available for purchase here. It’s the cliff notes version of the Manual.
Questions, comments, and suggestions on the Manual, the primer, or new publication topics are welcome. Contact Sara DePasquale at
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