Faculty Member Maureen Berner Lectures in Slovenia
Faculty member Maureen Berner delivered two lectures at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, to graduate students in the Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development program (Master CoDe) on February 27 and 28. Topics covered included issues of intergovernmental and nonprofit relations (using food assistance as the case study) and the diversity and disparity in programs, politics, and the criminal justice system.
The students come from Ethopia, Canada, Great Britain, and other countries to earn a masters in comparative local development. It is a competitive program; in 2016, more than 200 students from around the world competed for just 10 scholarship spots. The students spend one semester in Slovenia, one in Hungary, one in Germany, and one doing an internship in various locations (including UNC-Chapel Hill, their only US partner institution).

Published March 30, 2017