
After beginning her first term on the governing board for the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management (ABFM) in January 2018, School faculty member Whitney Afonso has been reelected to the Executive Committee as an at-large member. She will begin to serve another three-year term in January 2021.

November 22, 2017
Assistant Professor of Public Administration and Government Whitney Afonso teaching in class.

Associate Professor Leisha DeHart-Davis draws on a decade of original research and interdisciplinary scholarship in her new book, Creating Effective Rules in Public Sector Organizations.

October 25, 2017
Faculty Member DeHart-Davis Releases Book on Creating Effective Rules in Public Sector Organizations

Associate Professor Kimberly Nelson and Professor Carl Stenberg have recently published a new book, titled Managing Local Government: An Essential Guide for Municipal and County Managers. The book offers a practical introduction to the changing structure, forms, and functions of local government. The authors incorporate real-life scenarios and case studies while providing historical context to U.S. local governments.

October 10, 2017
Faculty Members Kimberly Nelson and Carl Stenberg Author New Local Government Management Publication

The School of Government has partnered with the University of North Carolina Press’s Office of Scholarly Publishing Services to distribute its publications.

October 2, 2017

The NC Racial Equity Network, housed at the UNC School of Government, was awarded a Program of Excellence Award by the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA). Founded in 1915, UPCEA is the leading association for professional, continuing, and online education.

September 29, 2017
Monica Yelverton

On Monday, Sept. 11, faculty member Jessica Smith received the Amicus Curiae Award from North Carolina Chief Justice Mark Martin.  The award, bestowing her with the title of “Friend of the Court,” recognizes Smith for her outstanding service to the Judicial Branch of North Carolina. 

September 15, 2017
aculty Member Jessica Smith and Chief Justice Mark Martin

The School of Government is proud to release a new design of our course offerings on sog.unc.edu. The new page has been designed to make finding course details and registration easier and more efficient for all users. 

September 1, 2017
New course page screen shot

On Saturday, August 12, 2017, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) honored the UNC School of Government with their Distinguished Service Award. Established in 1970, the award celebrates an individual or an entity that “has rendered a truly outstanding and distinctive service to the cause of improving local government above and beyond his usual duties or occupation.” 

August 18, 2017
Dean Mike Smith accepts the Distinguished Service Award from the NC Association of County Commissioners

Assistant Professor Whitney Afonso's article, "State LST Laws: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Laws Governing Local Sales Taxes," has been published in the top-ranked Public Budgeting and Finance journal.

July 20, 2017
Whitney Afonso
As part of an ongoing initiative to provide additional resources to local government managers, a new online learning opportunity covers the essentials of municipal and county management in North Carolina. The six lessons include local government law, budgeting and finance, basics of managing a local government, ethics, working with a board, and engaging citizen stakeholders.
July 18, 2017

Faculty member John Rubin is known for his expertise in criminal law and indigent defense, his creation of the Collateral Consequences Assessment Tool (C-CAT), and his many contributions to the School of Government's North Carolina

July 5, 2017

In the video, "Food for the Summer," School of Government and MPA faculty members Maureen Berner and Margaret Henderson highlight how one mayor convened local government and community organizations

June 27, 2017
