The Mental Health microsite is designed for people who work with North Carolina’s LMEs. LME stands for local management entity, the local government in North Carolina that is responsible for providing community-based, publicly-funded mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and substance use disorder services. The Mental Health site is designed for LME board members, directors, employees, attorneys, and providers of services. It is also available to county government officers and employees, consumers of LME services and their family members, as well as students, citizens, and others who want information about North Carolina’s mental health service system.
The confidentiality links on this site address the laws governing patient information relating to mental health, intellecutal and developmental disabilities, and substance use disorder services. These materials are designed for providers of such services, providers of other health care services, the court and juvenile justice systems, as well as departments of social services. Topics include the sharing of information in response to supboenas, court orders, and multiagency consent-to-release forms.
The involuntary commitment law resources on this site are intended for acute care hospitals and their emergency departments, providers of mental health and substance use disorder services, commitment examiners, law enforcement officers, judicial officials, and inpatient pyschiatric and subsance abuse facilities.
Below are featured resources. To the right are links to other resources on confidentiality, involuntary commitment, and the public mental health system are listed in the right-hand column of this page.
NC Public Mental Health System--An NCACC Podcast
Part 2-History
Part 3-Medicaid Transformation
Involuntary Commitment Law--An Online Training Program
The SUN Project--Interagency Sharing of Confidential Information to Coordinate Care and Treatment for Pregnant Women
Patient Authorization to Disclose
Parent Authorization to Disclose
Memorandum of Understanding for Interagency Team
North Carolina Juvenile Justice – Behavioral Health Information Sharing Guide
Behavioral Health Confidentiality Laws Online Module
Faculty Coordinators
Mental Health
- Involuntary Commitment Law -- An Online Training Program
- The SUN Project--Interagency Sharing of Confidential Information to Coordinate Care and Treatment for Pregnant Women
North Carolina Public Mental Health System
- LME-MCOs--NC Public Mental Health Authorities
- Demystifying the Mental Health System
- "Mental Health Services," in County Government in North Carolina
- The Confidentiality of Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Disorder Records
- NC Juvenile Justice-Behavioral Health Information Sharing Guide
- Subpoenas and Court Orders: Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Proceedings
- Court Order to Disclose: Guardianship Proceedings
- Court Order to Disclose: Applicable Confidentiality Laws
- District Court Judges: Confidentiality of SUD Treatment Records
- District Attorneys: Accessing MH/IDD/SUD Records
- DSS Attorneys: Confidentiality of SUD Records
- Health Departments: Confidentiality of MH/IDD/SUD Records
- Sharing Confidential Information: Questions to Ask
- Federal Regulations Governing Confidentiality of Substane Use Disorder Records
Involuntary Commitment
- Involuntary Commitment Law and Procedure
- Commitment Criteria
- Commitment Procedure
- What Happens After a Magistrate Issues a Custody Order
- What Happens After a Clinician Petitions for Commitment
- 24-Hour Facility Check List
- Law Enforcement Responsibilities
- Psychiatric Advance Directives and Health Care Powers of Attorney
- 2018 Legislation-S.L 2018-33 (S 630)
- 2019 Legislation-S.L. 2019-240 (S 537) [Part IV: Involuntary Commitment pages 46-50]
- First Examination Form
- 24-Hour Facility Examination Form