Clerks of Superior Court Winter and Summer Conferences
This course is sponsored by Administrative Office of the Courts.
The annual Winter and Summer Conferences provide continuing education in legal, management, and other areas of interest to clerks of Superior Court. Topics of discussion include new legislation, case law update, technology update, workers' compensation and safety issues for employees.
For future registration and conference information, please contact Shellie Vernon, Administrative Officer, NC Conference of Clerks of Superior Court at 919.890.1444 /
Additional information
Attendees: Clerks of Superior Court
Credit: CLE credit applications will be submitted to the State Bar for both events
There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.
Click Here to find the materials for the 2021 Clerks of Superior Court Virtual Summer Conferece.
For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:
Brooke Cale
Program Manager, Courts Group